
Interview with Adriana Caravelli

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The Press Office had the occasion to interview Adriana Caravelli sharing her experience in the CEDU Training.

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Interview with Florian Westphal

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The Press Office had the opportunity to interview Florian Westphal sharing his experience at the Summer School in Cinema, Human Rights and Advocacy.

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Interview with Amrit Rijal, Young Child Rights Advocate

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The Press Office had the opportunity to interview the young child rights advocate Amrit Rijal from Nepal engaged in the field since 2015. He is a medical student at Kathmandu University, a research enthusiast, and also...

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Interview with Sima Samar, 2012 Right Livelihood Laureate

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The Press Office of the Global Campus of Human Rights had the honour to interview 2012 Right Livelihood Laureate Sima Samar about her important work as an Afghan activist and her participation in our EMA Graduation Ceremony.

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Global Campus of Human Rights Statement on the Recent Events in Israel and Palestine

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As members of the Global Campus of Human Rights community, we are witnessing the ongoing conflict and massive human suffering in Palestine and Israel with horror and dismay. We express profound empathy and solidarity with victims on all sides of the conflict, whomever they may be.

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