
300 participants joined the “Dili Human Rights Education Week” and celebrated the handover of the Human Rights Centre

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From 10 to 15 December, the EU Delegation to Timor-Leste together with the Global Campus of Human Rights and the National University (UNTL) jointly organised a closing event to present and discuss the results of the four-year capacity building project “Development of Human Rights Education and Research at the UNTL”...

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Global Campus Human Rights Journal: Fifth Issue Now Online

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The Global Campus of Human Rights enriches its online publications with the latest issue of the Global Campus Human Rights Journal (GCHRJ).

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Interview with Ambra Longatti, EU EEAS Policy Officer

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The Press Office of the Global Campus of Human Rights had the opportunity to ask Ambra Longatti about her participation as European External Action Service (EEAS) representative on our online course for International Electoral Observers.

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Interview with Jessica Fiorelli, President of the EMAlumni Association

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The Press Office of the Global Campus of Human Rights had interviewed the new President of the EMAlumni Association Jessica Fiorelli, about her now role, the 25 years anniversary of the EMA Master and the main activities of the organisation.

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Interview with 2022 Aurora Prize Laureate Jamila Afghani

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The Press Office of the Global Campus of Human Rights asked the Aurora Prize 2022 Laureate Jamila Afghani about her work in Afghanistan to help women, youth and children in refugee camps.

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