
E.MA Student representatives 2008/2009

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The two student representatives of the E.MA 2008/2009 are Claire San Filippo and Arne Hoffman.

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Job vacancy: EIUC Secretary General

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The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC), based in Venice, Italy, is seeking a well-qualified individual for the position as Secretary General.

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Prof. O'Flaherty re-elected to the UN Human Rights Committee

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EIUC President and Governing Bodies warmly congratulate Prof. Michael O'Flaherty for his re-election to the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

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E.MA Teaching Fellows 2008/2009

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The E.MA Programme Director for the academic year 2008/2009, Prof. Fabrizio Marrella, is assisted by three Teaching Fellows: Michelle Farrell, Dr. Anna Natalia Schulz and Christian Volk.

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Welcome E.MA Students 2008/2009 !

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E.MA 2008/2009 semester overview.

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