
Interview with Sahraa Karimi, Film Director and Scriptwriter

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During our Venice School for Human Rights Defenders, we met Sahraa Karimi, Film Director and Scriptwriter, and we had a discussion with our students about the film “Have, Maryam, Ayesha”, which premiered at the 76. Venice Film Festival and was nominated for Best Film with the Orizzonti Prize. Together with our Press Office, we interviewed Ms Karimi.

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Over 100 students, academics and experts joined a successful Global Classroom in Pretoria

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Over 100 students, academics and experts from more than 50 countries joined, either in presence or online, the four-days long Global Classroom 2022 on internal displacement, amiably hosted by the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria.

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Sixth Issue of the Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine

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Following the success of many important activities of our network, the Global Campus of Human Rights published the sixth edition of its seasonal Magazine in English and Italian.

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Electoral Technical Assistance

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Global Classroom 2022 on Internal Displacement will kick off in Pretoria on 30 May 2022

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Hosted by: Global Campus Africa / The Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa (HRDA), University of Pretoria

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