
Freedom of Assembly of LGBTI People in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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The European Regional MA Program in Democracy and Human Rights (ERMA), with the support of the Global Campus of Human Rights and Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (CIS), UNSA, organized a discussion on “Freedom of Assembly of LGBTI People in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

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Interview with Chiara Adamo during the European Development Days

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The Press Office of the Global Campus of Human Rights is accredited to follow the European Development Days, Europe’s leading forum on development since 2006 and now widely considered as the “Davos of Development”, organised by the EU and taking place in Brussels this week.

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Vacancy Announcement: Children’s Rights Project Officer for Online Programmes

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The Global Campus is looking for a qualified full-time Project Officer, who shall be based at its main headquarters in Venice-Lido, Italy, to support the development of electronic and blended courses related to the human rights of children.

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Vacancy Announcement: Children’s Rights Project Manager

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The Global Campus is looking for a qualified full-time Project Manager to develop and coordinate its activities related to human rights of children, who shall be based at its main headquarters in Venice-Lido, Italy.

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Global Campus of Human Rights: EMA awarded theses 2017/2018

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Every year the regional master’s programmes select the best master thesis of the previous academic year that is published online as part of the GC publications. The selected seven GC master theses cover a range of different international human rights topics and challenges. Adding to the GC master theses, are selections of Master’s theses which most Programmes award on a yearly basis.

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