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Every day millions of learners enrol in online courses to improve their skills and gain new knowledge. At the Global Campus of Human Rights we strive to create MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) devoted to human rights issues that are either topical or underrepresented.

What makes our MOOCs unique? We show all sides of the story, we draw academics and experts from all regions of the world and we combine original videos, readings, discussions and quizzes in multidisciplinary and intersectional courses.

Ongoing MOOCs


4 November – 2 December 2024 - Free Enrolment from 7 October until 18 November

Women at the Forefront of Democratic Change

By looking at women’s agency and roles in mobilising for social and democratic change, the MOOC asks critical questions: can a democracy where women are not equal ever really thrive? What is women contribution’s to more resilient and inclusive democracies? How are current attacks on democracy connected to gender equality?



From June 2020

Promoting and Protecting Human Rights: a Global Overview

In times of violence and crisis, human rights are important safeguards. In times of peace, security and development, they are important pillars sustaining our common humanity. They are more than moral or legal concepts: they are the lymph of our lives. For them to run effectively, we need to relentlessly promote and protect them.


Audit Only MOOCs


From October 2024

Transitology – Pathways to and from Democracy

Analysing examples of political transitions and regime changes in different world regions, we ask crucial questions: how do countries and political regimes successfully democratise? What are the causes of democratic backsliding? How do democracies die, and how do they recover, if at all?



From September 2021

Children’s Rights and Technology in the Digital Age

In this day and age, educating and empowering all those that use technology to make informed and rights-based choices for younger and future generations is crucial. This course will open up discussions about how technology is currently integrated in or impacting children’s lives.



From November 2020

Children Deprived of Liberty: Learning from the UN Global Study

Although the Convention of the Rights of the Child affirms that children should not be detained, millions of children in the world are deprived of their liberty. To address this situation, in 2019 the United Nations conducted a Global Study led by Prof. Manfred Nowak. This MOOC stems from such Study and provides insights, learning and recommendations in this important area at the crossroad of children, violence, and human rights studies.



From January 2020

Fundamental Rights of the European Union

The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is the main instrument of fundamental rights protection within the European Union. Its use, however, aside from raising complex legal issues, is very much dependent on the awareness of its potential on the part of judges, lawyers and individuals.



From June 2019

Citizenship and Human Rights Education for Change

In recent years, terrorist attacks, radicalisation, extremism and xenophobia have surged across Europe and are threatening its fundamental values. In this context, education is crucial to promote democratic citizenship and social inclusion in diverse contexts and learning environments.



From October 2016

Disability as a human rights issue: global and national perspectives

Persons with disabilities are frequently marginalized in society and face numerous challenges in the enjoyment of their human rights. In the past such challenges were seen as an unavoidable consequence of their impairments. More recently, the introduction of a human rights-based model of disability has contributed to a shift in perceptions and attitudes towards them: no longer recipients of medical care and charity or objects of others’ decisions, but holders of rights.


Past MOOCs


19 February – 24 March 2024

Children’s Right to Education in Armed Conflict

This MOOC - developed in partnership with the Right to Education Initiative - will provide substantive knowledge, materials and tools in order to increase awareness and direct participants towards monitoring and reporting mechanisms that could be used to defend the right to education of millions of children affected by armed conflict around the world.



16 October-19 November 2023

Children’s Mental Health: Rights and Perspectives

This MOOC responds to the call by children and young people to understand their mental health as a human right. In particular, it looks into approaches that prioritise and commit to the direct participation of children and young people in decision-making in this area of their lives.



From November 2022

Business and Human Rights

Applying a multi-regional approach, the MOOC focuses on the link between companies, states and human rights with attention to the protection of human rights defenders, the concept of mandatory due diligence, recent case-law, and children’s rights issues.



10 October – 13 November 2022

Science and Human Rights

In partnership with UNESCO, the Global Campus offers a MOOC for scientists and university-level science students around the world who want to understand and practise scientific freedom and scientific responsibility within a human rights-based approach.



7 February – 6 March 2022

Socio-Economic Justice through Human Rights

Current global crises have emphasised social and economic inequalities. What future can we expect for a more just world? This MOOC explores current developments in implementing economic and social rights and their role in addressing and redressing unjust distribution of resources and power.



31 May – 11 July 2021

Child Participation and the Right to a Sustainable Environment

By speaking to young climate activists as well as children’s rights specialists, environment experts and human rights scholars, the MOOC will examine concepts, standards and practices of child participation in environmental matters.



23 November 2020 – 10 January 2021

Children Deprived of Liberty: Enacting the recommendations of the UN Global Study

In 2019 the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty denounced that more than seven million children worldwide are deprived of liberty every year. It provided an assessment of the situation in different contexts and set out clear recommendations for change. How’s the world doing now? This MOOC provides updated information on situations, challenges, practices and possible solutions as they are being envisaged in each region.



27 April – 21 June 2020

Memory Sites and Human Rights

In a world of violent conflicts where the truth on past and present abuses is often manipulated, creating memorials such as historic sites, monuments, museums or art projects helps us raise awareness of the suffering and embrace the ideal of “never again!”



20 January – 1 March 2020

Monitoring the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons - 2020 Edition

In all regions of the world, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) persons are subject to discrimination, persecution, violence, and other forms of human rights violations. Monitoring the extent of such human rights abuses is key to identify root causes, gaps in implementation, and avenues for redress.



10 June – 21 July 2019

Gender-based violence in the context of migration

For refugees and migrants, crossing borders often comes with heightened risks such as physical harm, sexual and gender-based violence, psychosocial trauma and exploitation, including trafficking. Addressing the root causes of forced and economic migration and ensuring that human rights are protected throughout the whole process are essential steps towards a stronger recognition of equal dignity for all.