Course dates:


Free enrolment without certificate

Lecurers and Experts

The e-NACT courses feature a group of academics, judges, and other practitioners passionate for fundamental rights and willing to spread the knowledge about them both within their professional networks and beyond. As the courses build on the trans-national trainings conducted within the e-NACT project, we invited also experts that delivered these residential training to enrichen the online courses with their perspectives and experience.

Lecturers & Experts

Catherine Barnard - Global Campus

Social rights

Catherine Barnard

Catherine Barnard is Professor of European Union Law and Jean Monnet Chair of EU Law at the University of Cambridge. She is also Senior Tutor of Trinity College.

She specializes in European Union law, labour and discrimination law, and competition law. Catherine Barnard is also the founder of and researcher at the think-tank UK in a Changing Europe, which is the leading authoritative source for independent research on UK-EU relations and Brexit.


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Sina Van den Bogaert - Global Campus

Social rights

Sina Van den Bogaert

Sina Van den Bogaert, Dr. jur. (2017), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, is a Legal Officer at the European Commission.

She is a former Research Fellow of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg. She has published several articles on European Non-discrimination Law.


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Marco Borraccetti - Global Campus

Asylum and Immigration Detention: the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Union

Marco Borraccetti

Marco Borraccetti holds a Ph.D. in EU Law from the University of Bologna; he is Associate Professor of European Union Law at the Università di Bologna, Department of Political and Social Science, where he teaches EU Institutional Law and EU Immigration Law.

Since July 2018 he is co-director of the European Regional MA Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe where he teaches Migration and Human Rights. He is the director of MigLab-Studi sulle Migrazioni, a center of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna and he is member of the Editorial board of Diritto Immigrazione Cittadinanza (Journal on Migration Law Citizenship).

His current main research interests include migration, trafficking in human beings and human rights; the right to water and the EU development cooperation; the EU external borders policy; the judicial protection of fundamental rights in the EU.

He is member of different Bologna teams working on migration issues: GLOBUS, a H2020 research project that critically examines the European Union’s contribution to global justice; CONREP, Comparative Network on Refugee Externalisation Policies; ESPON 2020 Programme ECTG, on Territorial and Urban Potentials Connected to Migration and Refugee Flows; AMIF, Arts Together, Integrating migrant children at schools through artistic expression.

Marco was Visiting Scholar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, European Union Center (2015), and Visiting Professor at Université Libre de Bruxelles – Institut d’Etudes Européennes (2011).


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Claire Bright - Global Campus

Children’s rights

Claire Bright

She is currently Max Weber Research Fellow at the European University Institute and a Research Fellow in Business and Human Rights at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law.

She holds a PhD in International Law from the European University Institute, an LL.M in Private International Law and International Commercial Law from La Sorbonne Law School and a Double Bachelor in French and English Laws from the University Paris-Est. Claire is currently working on a study for the European Commission on human rights due diligence in supply chains.


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Claire Bright - Global Campus

Crash Course on the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Nathan Cambien

Nathan Cambien is senior affiliated researcher at the Institute for European Law of the KU Leuven, Référendaire at the European Court of Justice, invited professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Antwerp, and Member of the Brussels Bar.

He holds a PhD from the KU Leuven and a Magister Juris from the University of Oxford. He was visiting research fellow at Columbia Law School (New York), and specialises in EU constitutional law and EU competition law.


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Federica Casarosa - Global Campus

Crash Course on the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - Freedom of Expression

Federica Casarosa

Federica Casarosa is Research Fellow at the Centre for Judicial Cooperation at the European University Institute, Department of Law. She graduated in Private Comparative Law at the University of Pisa and obtained a Master of Research in Law from the European University Institute (2003).

In 2008, she successfully defended her PhD thesis on the role of information in online contracting, in particular analyzing the protection provided to consumers in the pre-contractual phase. She has worked as a consultant for FAO and as a Jean Monnet Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.

Her research interests focus on the intersection between private law and fundamental rights, in consumer protection area and media law. Her works appeared on several Italian and international journals, such as the European Review of Private Law, the Journal of Internet Law, and Diritto dell’Informazione e dell’Informatica.


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Mariavittoria Catanzariti - Global Campus

Data Protection

Mariavittoria Catanzariti

She is currently a Research Associate and former Jean Monnet Fellow (2017-2018) at the European University Institute. She is habilitated as Associate Professor of Legal Sociology. Her main areas of expertise are law & technology, with special focus on data protection, secrecy, fundamental rights. She received in 2011 a PhD in European Law.

She obtained scholarships from several foreign institutions such as Berkeley Law School, University of Heidelberg, DAAD – Leibniz Gemeinschaft, and was visiting scholar at the Institute for Media Law in Cologne, Max Planck Institute for European History of Law in Frankfurt, Concordia University in Montreal and Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property in Munich. She served in 2008 as a practitioner for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the ECHR and the CoE. She wrote one monograph on secrecy and several articles on data protection, fundamental rights, and transnational legal models. She has been admitted to the Italian Bar in 2010.


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Stefan Clauwaert - Global Campus

Social rights

Stefan Clauwaert

After graduating in Social Law from the University of Ghent (Belgium) in 1993, Stefan Clauwaert began work at the ETUI in October 1995.

His main fields of research are European/comparative labour law and European social dialogue. His work also comprised the setting up and coordination of the ETUC trade union legal experts’ network NETLEX (until 2007) as well as –since 1999– participation as expert to the ETUC delegation in all the EU cross-sectoral social dialogue negotiations.

He also represents the ETUC in the framework of the Council of Europe Social Charter activities, in particular by participating in the meetings of the Governmental Committee and also ensuring trade union observations/complaints in the so-called Collective Complaints Procedure. Furthermore, he has cooperated in an advisory capacity with several academic and trade union networks/institutions.


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Francesca Fanucci - Global Campus

Freedom of Expression

Francesca Fanucci

Francesca Fanucci is an Italian and British lawyer specialized in freedom of expression and comparative media law.

She is a member of Internews Internet Freedom Expert Register and has consulted, inter alia, for the American Bar Association, ARTICLE 19, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, the Open Society Foundations Justice Initiative and Media Program, the International Press Institute, Access Info Europe and International Media Support.

She is also a surveyor of e-governance policies for the E-Governance Institute at the School of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University-Newark, New Jersey, US and is regularly invited by the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at the University of Oxford, UK, as a senior judge at the annual International Rounds of the Monroe E. Price Media Law Moot Court Competition.


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Alessandra Favi - Global Campus

Children’s rights

Alessandra Favi

She is currently a Ph. D. Candidate in European Union Law at the University of Florence. She obtained her Master’s degree in Law from the University of Florence and the Maîtrise and Master 2 en Droit from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne.

She worked as a research assistant at the University of Florence for two years, specializing in the European antidiscrimination law. Her teaching and research activities are focused on the protection of fundamental rights under EU Law in the field of Migration and Asylum Law. Currently she is conducting research on the effective judicial protection of the asylum seekers under EU Law.


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Ornella_Feraci_ - Global Campus

Data Protection

Ornella Feraci

Ornella Feraci is Assistant Professor of International Law at the University of Siena. In 2018, she obtained the qualification as Associate Professor of International Law.

She received her Ph.D. in International and EU Law from the University of Florence. She has been Research Fellow of International Law and EU Law at the University of Florence and Siena and Adjunct Professor of EU Private International Law and Immigration Law at the LUMSA University in Rome. She is author of a book and of several scientific publications in the fields of conflict-of-laws and EU Law. She is also a qualified attorney admitted to the Italian Bar.


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Federico Ferri  - Global Campus

Asylum and Immigration Detention: the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Union

Federico Ferri

Federico Ferri holds a PhD in European Law from the Universities of Bologna (UNIBO) and Strasbourg (2015) and a Specializing Masters in Human Rights and Humanitarian Intervention (UNIBO, 2011). He is research fellow in EU Law at the UNIBO Department of Legal Studies.

Until September 2019 he was Adjunct Professor of EU Law and Tutor of International Law at the UNIBO Faculty of Political Science. He Federico is also a civil attorney in the municipality of Bologna and collaborates with companies, institutions and reviews in Italy and abroad.

Federico’s research interests are vast, even if he mainly deals with EU migration policies and fundamental rights. In this regard, he has published widely and he cooperates with peer-reviewed journals, such as and Diritto, immigrazione e cittadinanza. He also contributes to multiple projects co-funded by the EU.


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Marcella Ferri - Global Campus

Children’s rights

Marcella Ferri

She is currently Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in EU Law at the University of Florence and Adjunct Professor of International Protection of Human Rights at the University of Bergamo.

She holds a Ph.D. in Science of International Cooperation and a Degree in Law from the University of Bergamo. Her teaching and research activities are focused on the protection of human rights at the international level and under the EU law, with a specific attention to cultural diversity, protection of refugees and migrants, and the interplay between business and human rights.


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Christopher Kuner - Global Campus

Data Protection

Christopher Kuner

He is a Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Brussels Privacy Hub at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and a visiting professor in the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University in The Netherlands, and an honorary affiliated professor in the Law Faculty of the University of Copenhagen and an associate in the Centre for European Legal Studies of the University of Cambridge.

Prof. Kuner is also Senior Privacy Counsel in the Brussels office of Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati. He is a member of the European Commission Multisectoral Stakeholder Expert Group to Support the Application of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).

He is currently editing an article-by-article commentary on the GDPR together with Lee Bygrave and Christopher Docksey, to be published by Oxford University Press in 2019. He founded and is editor-in-chief of the law journal 'International Data Privacy Law' published by Oxford University Press.


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Nicole Lazzerini  - Global Campus

Children’s rights - Crash Course on the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Nicole Lazzerini

She is Assistant Professor of European Union Law at the University of Florence, where she is also responsible for the team working on the e-NACT Project.

She holds a LLM and Ph.D. in European Union Law from the European University Institute and a Degree in Law from the University of Florence. Her research interests include the protection of fundamental rights in the EU, the rule of law crisis, judicial dialogue between national courts and the Court of Justice, law and technology, business and human rights.


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Fabio Marcelli - Global Campus

Freedom of Expression

Fabio Marcelli

Fabio Marcelli is a research director at the Institute of International Legal Studies of the National Research Council. He is the author of 14 books and more than hundred articles in the field of international law and international relations.

He is a member of the Steering Council of the Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti umani, and of the editorial staff of the journal “Diritti dell’uomo cronache e battaglie”.

Fabio Marcelli is in charge for the scientific direction of the legal migration sector of the migration project of CNR. Scientific director for the FEI project “Partecipare per integrarsi”. In charge for the sector “Migrations and development” of the new migrations project of CNR. He is a scientific director and general coordinator of the project TOOLS in the framework of the FAMI program.


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Alessandro Mantelero - Global Campus

Data Protection

Alessandro Mantelero

He is a Professor of Private Law at the Polytechnic University of Turin. He is Council of Europe Rapporteur on Artificial Intelligence and data protection.

In 2016, he was appointed Expert Consultant by the Council of Europe to draft the Guidelines on the protection of individuals with regard to the data processing in a world of Big Data (2017). He has served as an expert on data protection, Big Data and AI for the UN–International Labour Organization, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Italian Ministry of Justice and the Italian Communications Authority. He has published three books and is author of over a hundred articles and book chapters on law & technology. He is member of the Editorial Board of Computer Law & Security Review and Associate Editor at the European Data Protection Law Review.


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Sara Migliorini - Global Campus

Children’s rights

Sara Migliorini

She is a Research Fellow at the University of Lausanne and at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (London).

She obtained a Ph.D. from the European University Institute (EUI), an LLM in Private International Law from the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, and a double degree in Italian and French law from the Universities of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne and Florence. Her current research focuses on the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, especially civil and criminal judicial cooperation.


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Madalina Moraru - Global Campus

Crash Course on the Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Madalina Moraru

Dr. Madalina Moraru is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Law Faculty of the Masaryk University, Brno where she has obtained a research grant for the project on Reforming European Administrative Governance in times of crisis: Common or disjunctive sector regulatory models (EUADMIN-GOV).

She is also a Research Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI), Centre for Judicial Cooperation (CJC), in Florence, Italy, where she is coordinating the legal training on asylum and migration, and on the interpretation and application of the EU Charter in various EU law fields. She is the editor of Distinguished Lecture Series Papers, of the European University Institute, Centre for Judicial Cooperation.

She obtained her Doctoral Degree in Law from the European University Institute with a thesis entitled Protecting (unrepresented) EU citizens in third countries: the intertwining roles of the EU and its Member States). She has a magna cum laude LL.M. in European Law from Durham University (2008), as well as from the EUI (2010), and a LL.B. from the Faculty of Law, Bucharest (2007). Her research interests include the law and policies of EU external relations, consular and diplomatic law, fundamental rights, judicial dialogue, asylum and migration, and EU citizenship law.

She has been regularly invited to speak as expert on EU law issues by EU Institutions and international and non-governmental organisations. She has been the advisor for a Member of the European Parliament. She is also the founder of the non-governmental organisation, European Centre for Legal Expertise, which is actively participating in policy analysis and drafting in the field of human rights. She has won several EU-funded grants on fundamental rights, EU policy implementation and legal training (ACTIONES, e-Nact) She has extensive expertise in coordinating European wide projects involving research and consultancy in the field of asylum and migration and fundamental rights.


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Areg Navasartian - Global Campus

Social rights

Areg Navasartian

Areg Navasartian is a researcher at the Centre for European Law of the Free University of Brussels (ULB).

She specializes mainly in European social law, fundamental rights and non-discrimination law. As a researcher, Areg Navasartian has been responsible for many projects, including e-NACT.


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Nikolaus Peifer - Global Campus

Data Protection

Nikolaus Peifer

He is Director of the Institute for Media Law and Communications Law of the University of Cologne (Germany). He studied law, economics and languages at the Universities of Trier, Bonn, Hamburg and Kiel. He was a research fellow at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (1998), worked with a Law Firm Shearman & Sterling in New York (1991) and the German American Chamber of Commerce in Houston (1992).

He held positions as a researcher at the Max-Planck Institute for Intellectual Property Law in Munich, as an Assistant Professor in Kiel, and as a Professor of Private, Business, Media and Intellectual Property Law in Frankfurt/Oder and Bochum. In 2003 he was appointed to be a judge, first at the Court of Appeals in Hamm then (2013) at the Court of Appeals in Cologne. His main fields of research are Private, Intellectual Property and Media Law including information privacy law.


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Cesare Pitea - Global Campus

Children’s rights

Cesare Pitea

He is Associate Professor of International Law at the Università degli Studi di Milano. His research focuses on human rights and environmental protection.

He has worked as lawyer at the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, from 2009 to 2011. Admitted to the Bar of Milan since 2009, he has been subsequently involved as counsel in a number of strategic cases before the Court, especially in the field of gender discrimination, LGTBI rights and migrants’ rights. He holds a PhD in International Law from the University of Milan (2004) and an LLM in Public International Law from the University of London – School of Oriental and African Studies (2001).


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Claudia Pretto - Global Campus

Children’s rights

Claudia Pretto

She is Lecturer in Comparative Legal Studies and Senior Legal Consultant on human rights, migration Law, refugee law, educational law and anti-discrimination law.

Claudia obtained her PhD in Constitutional Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bari, in May 2011. From 2011 to 2016, she worked as UNHCR Consultant and Protection Associate, UNHCR Italy, Protection Unit. Presently, Claudia is Appointed Lecturer in Migration Law at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the LUMSA University of Rome.


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Roxana Radu - Global Campus

Freedom of Expression

Roxana Radu

Roxana Radu is a Research Associate at the Global Governance Centre and Programme Manager at the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) and DiploFoundation.

Her research and publications focus on international governance and global internet policy-making. She holds a PhD (summa cum laude) in International Relations/Political Science from the Graduate Institute, Geneva, and an MA in Political Science (honours) from the Central European University, Budapest.


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Chiara Scissa  - Global Campus

Asylum and Immigration Detention: the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Union

Chiara Scissa

Chiara Scissa holds a Bachelor in Political Science and a Master with honours in International Cooperation and Protection of Human Rights from the University of Bologna.

Currently, she is involved in the development of research projects on refugee and forced migration issues in collaboration with the University of Milano Bicocca and the University of Bologna. Her main research interests encompass the analysis of new drivers of forced migration, such as environmental crimes, and the feasibility to expand the system of international protection available at the international and EU level to address the current threats to people’s enjoyment of human rights.

Currently, she is collaborating with the University of Bologna on projects addressing multidisciplinary aspects of migration.


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Eleanor Spaventa - Global Campus

Children’s rights

Eleanor Spaventa

She is Full Professor of European Union Law, currently at the Bocconi University of Milan and previously at the University of Durham, where she was also the Director of the Durham European Law Institute (2006-2011; and 2016-17).

She holds a PhD in European Law from Oxford University, an LL.M in European Law from the University of Cambridge, and a Law Degree from the ‘La Sapienza’ University of Rome. Her main research interests lie in European Union Law and in particular in the fields of European constitutional law, free movement, fundamental rights, EU citizenship, Brexit and cooperation in criminal matters in the EU. She is the author or co-authors of several publications, including leading textbooks of European Union law, and of reports commissioned by the European Parliament PETI committee and by the European Commission. Her work has been quoted by several Advocates General in front of the European Court of Justice.


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Daniela Vitiello - Global Campus

Children’s rights

Daniela Vitiello

She is Assistant Professor of European Union Law at Tuscia University of Viterbo and Lecturer on European Cultural Heritage Legislation at the University of Florence.

From 2015 to 2017, Daniela was Visiting Fellow at the University of Bern (Spring Term 2017) and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at “Roma Tre” University. She studied at LUISS University, Durham University and The Hague Academy of International Law, before obtaining her PhD from Sapienza University of Rome, defending a thesis on the prohibitions on refoulement in contemporary international law (2014).


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The overall coordination of the e-NACT courses is entrusted to Dr. Karolina Podstawa (University of Maastricht) together with the Global Campus of Human Rights Team devoted to online programmes.

Karolina Podstawa - Global Campus

Karolina Podstawa

She is a Lecturer in the Department of European and International Law of the University of Maastricht.

Prior to the appointment, she acted as a part-time Assistant Professor at the University of Łódź (Poland) as well as the Senior Researcher at the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization (EIUC, Venice). She contributed to a series of projects dealing with the EU internal and external human rights polices (in particular: FRAME, ACTIONES, JUDCOOP, and most recently e-NACT, see:

She holds a PhD from the European University Institute and MAs in Law and Administration (2008), English Language and Literature (2009) from the University of Łódź, Poland as well as the LLM from the EUI (2009).


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