Course dates:

20 January – 1 March 2020

The course encompasses a 6-week period. Participants are expected to engage in approximately 30 hours of active learning through readings, videos, discussions, and quizzes.

The course is articulated in three modules:

Module 1 focuses on international definitions and legal frameworks concerning LGBTI persons and their rights and related monitoring mechanisms. Theoretical aspects are accompanied by examples of concrete challenges and practices in order to generally frame and give context to the international discourse.

Module 2 is dedicated to specific contexts and challenges in the areas of societal attitudes, equality and non-discrimination, laws and policies (including decriminalisation), specific rights and freedoms. Analysis and examples from different regions provide an overview of the many situations faced by LGBTI persons worldwide.

Module 3 deals with the monitoring in practice of LGBTI rights in terms of specific actions, strategies and practices: reporting, strategic litigation, advocacy strategies, and synergies (between international and regional systems; among governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental actors).


Module 1 - International definitions and legal frameworks

  • 1

    20 - 26 Jan 2020

    LGBTI persons and their rights

    Nele Verbrugghe, KU Leuven

  • 2

    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2020

    Monitoring the rights of LGBTI persons

    Victor Madrigal-Borloz, UN Independent Expert on Violence and Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
    Gabriel Alves de Faria, Not Only Voices

Module 2 - Contexts and challenges

Module 3 – From theory to practice