Join millions of students in our online community.

Our experience with residential Master’s Programmes and trainings shows that participants are often interested in furthering their education and deepening their knowledge with specialised courses on ad hoc topics.
The unique features of our online courses are a worldwide network of universities, a multidisciplinary outlook and the combination between theory and practice.

However, it is not always possible for many of them to travel and attend face-to-face classes for long periods of time. With this in mind, we are developing a series of courses that are offered completely online and that can be taken at anytime, anywhere, and at any point on one’s life or career. These courses allow participants to follow their passions with no limits, at their own pace, and still to be part of -an international community of human rights defenders.

Online Courses

7 – 11 October 2024 - Application Deadline: 30 September 2024

International Electoral Observers

Regular, inclusive, transparent and legitimate elections are the indispensable foundation for sustainable development and an effective democracy. Actions supporting the right to participate in genuine elections can play a major role in sustaining peace, security and conflict prevention. Support takes the form of electoral assistance projects and election observation missions. This requires skilled and trained observers.


Online Courses

3 June − 26 July 2024 - Application Deadline: 24 May 2024

Authoring Justice

Our first-ever online writing course explores how to write with empathy and strength, particularly on issues and areas that are key catalysts for transformation in our world. We will focus on human-centred narrative storytelling, emphasising its power to shine a light on the experiences of those who are often marginalised, to honour their inherent dignity, and to drive our society towards greater understanding and positive change.


Online Courses

March 2022 - Application Deadline: 6 February 2022

Empowering Youth Ambassadors in the Fight Against Online Mis- and Disinformation (YouLead)

We all know how damaging ‘fake news’ can be: it can mobilise groups based on lies, and spark violence. It can be an obstacle to progress on important issues such as combating climate change or achieving climate justice. Algorithms can reinforce our biases, and have the ability to amplify preexisting social division, resentment, and fear. Bots and trolls are shaping political conversations online. The YouLead online training aims to empower young people to be a critical part in the fight against online mis- and disinformation.


Online Courses

From Early-December 2019 on a rolling basis - Free Enrolment from: Mid-September 2019

Counter Human Trafficking in South East Asia (SEA)

By coercing people into a situation that they cannot escape, trafficking deprives human beings of their dignity and rights. In recent years, work has been carried out on the impact of counter trafficking, but more is needed on counter trafficking itself. Speaking to experts from NGOs, Trade Unions and International Organisations, this online course will examine the programmes, practices and activities of counter trafficking, in particular in Southeast Asia.