Course dates:

7 – 11 October 2024

Tuition waiver deadline:

10 September 2024

Self-funded deadline:

30 September 2024

Tuition waiver opportunities for youth 18-25 available!

Regular, inclusive, transparent and legitimate elections are the indispensable foundation for sustainable development and effective democracy. Actions supporting the right to participate in genuine elections can play a major role in sustaining peace, security and conflict prevention. Support takes the form of electoral assistance projects and election observation missions. This requires skilled and trained observers.

Since 2012 the Global Campus has trained more than 550 short term observers through its onsite courses in Venice Lido. The training has received the patronage of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Czech Republic and Spain, the support of European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), thus reinforcing its already well established international recognition and validating its value for actual field work.

After the successful online editions held in 2021 and 2022, a new edition of the course will offer selected participants a new challenging experience in distance learning education.

Why choose this course?

  • live debates with experts and representatives of sending authorities
  • collaborative online tools, live exchanges and networking with peers
  • small class size to increase interaction and communication between instructors and participants
  • practical exercises, real life simulations and case studies led by electoral observation experts
  • availability of experts and lecturers to provide feedback and answer individual questions

Key Facts


Dates 7 – 11 October 2024 with daily live sessions
Application deadlines Tuition waiver applicants: 10 September 2024
Self-funded applicants: 30 September 2024
Location Online learning platform and Zoom sessions
Duration 3 weeks (opening of online learning platform from 30 September to 18 October)
Time Commitment 25-30 hours of active learning
Class size Up to 25 participants
Language requirements Fluency in English (written and spoken)
Tuition fee €475,00 (VAT included)
Financial support 10% discount for Global Campus Alumni
Tuition waiver opportunities for young participants 18-25. More Info.
Certificate Upon completion of the course
Please note that participation to the training does not guarantee direct access to any recruiting procedure undertaken by international, national or regional entity.

Rationale and objectives



International election observation plays an important role in international relations since almost thirty years. The Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation adopted by the UN in 2005 is one of the first attempts of the international community to set standard rules which are recognised at international level. The European Union is strongly committed to contribute to all democratic processes around the world through various activities, including electoral observation.

The adoption of EU guidelines on preconditions for EU observation missions and a code of conduct for EU electoral observers represent an important step towards enhanced co-ordination and serve as a basis for all electoral observers. The 2005 Declaration and the Code of Conduct set a common framework, methodology, standards and best practices valid for all observers both at national (domestic) and international level.

Learning objectives

By taking this course, you’ll be able to:

  • gain a comprehensive overview on the history of electoral observation
  • acquire thorough knowledge of international legal standards, observation methodology, missions functioning (short term observation) and media monitoring
  • develop theoretical and practical skills which will be an asset in case of further applications as international observers
  • apply as qualified short term observer (STO) in any election observation missions.

Target audience

The course addresses all participants who are interested in deepening their knowledge on the functioning of an electoral observation mission from a multi-disciplinary approach. It is specifically aimed at training civilian staff in election observation missions at the start of their career (i.e. short term observers). Selected applicants will become aware of the role, tasks and status of international observers, and will be given a theoretical and practical training on election observation and election observation missions functioning. The course also provides thorough knowledge of international legal standards, observation methodology and missions functioning that might be of interest to political experts, analysts, journalists, consultants and researchers.

Class composition

The class is composed of a maximum of 25 participants to facilitate networking among peers and maximise opportunities to directly ask questions to and receive feedback from the experts.

Structure and content



The aim of the course is to deepen theoretical and practical expertise on international election observation by providing participants with knowledge and practical skills that are applicable to the daily functioning of election observation missions, an asset in case of further applications as international observers. Knowledge of international standards, methodology and best practices will also be essential for those interested in developing and training a network of domestic observers.

Course dates: 7 – 11 October 2024, including one live session each day

The course covers the following core themes:

  • International Legal Standards and emerging trends and challenges in election monitoring
  • Short term observers: code of conduct, observing and reporting tools
  • The media in electoral observation missions
  • New Technologies of Information and Communications
  • Meet the sending authorities

Methodology and coordination



The course is an instructor-led training tutored by election observation experts, whose knowledge and skills will guide each participant throughout the course. The course is hosted on a LMS online platform, and it includes virtual sessions held on Zoom. It will be delivered through a combination of:

  • Online participation via Zoom live sessions, where you will hear from experts and debate with them the practical issues and challenges of their work
  • Live working groups via Zoom Breakout rooms, where you will be asked to step in the shoes of a true electoral observer and to act as if deployed in the field
  • Real time feedback provided by the trainers during and after group work
  • Individual reading and study time through pre-recorded video lectures, powerpoint presentations, reading materials and quizzes
  • Daily meetings with trainers during a live session, where you will receive targeted inputs on their specific field of expertise
  • A Round table discussion with representatives from sending authorities who will discuss recruitment procedures and share their tips and tricks
  • Ask-the-expert sessions, where remaining questions can be posed to the lecturer of the day through a dedicated discussion forum

Time commitment



Participants are expected to engage in approximately 25-30 hours of active learning through individual study and readings, quizzes, participation in live online sessions, debates and group work on assigned case studies.

In order to ensure all participants the necessary time to study, revise and complete all quizzes, the online course will open one week ahead of the first live session and will close one week after the last live session, for a total of 3 weeks (30 September – 18 October 2024).

The course includes 6 live sessions:

  • Friday 4 October from 12:00 to 13:00 CET (technical session and introduction)
  • Monday 7 October from 12:00 to 15:00 CET
  • Tuesday 8 October from 12:00 to 15:00 CET
  • Wednesday 9 October from 12:00 to 15:00 CET
  • Thursday 10 October from 12:00 to 15:00 CET
  • Friday 11 October from 12:00 to 15:00 CET (round table)

Participation in the live sessions is highly recommended as a unique opportunity to engage directly with experts and peers. For those who cannot attend, however, all live sessions (7-11 October 2024) will be recorded and made available for the entire duration of the course and until 18 October 2024.