Application deadline:

16 August 2024

Structure and Content

The MA Programme in the Caucasus is an interdisciplinary programme (with legal, political and multidisciplinary components), with duration of 1 year (60 ECTS). It is implemented by a consortium of six leading universities in the region: Yerevan State University (coordinator), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (host university), American University in Central Asia (host university), Tbilisi State University (host university), Belarusian State University (associate partner), and Moldova State university (to join in September 2023). The official language of the Programme is English.

First Semester

From September 2023 to January 2024 (30 ECTS)


Yerevan State University

During the semester, a range of side events and guest lecturing will be organised which are complimentary to main study curriculum.

The programme will develop on:

  • Theoretical Bases of Human Rights
  • Democracy: Theory and Practice
  • Public Advocacy and Human rights Fact finding
  • HR in legal perspectives
  • Practical suggestions for litigating before the ECHR
  • Academic Writing & Research planning and methodology
  • Public Policy Praxis and Research methods

Second Semester - Mobility term

From February/March 2024 to May/June 2024 (15 ECTS)

Each Student during 1st semester will choose one of three mobility tracks to attend during second semester.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiyv

  • Civil Rights and Democracy in the Information Age
  • Civil Remedies of Human Rights
  • Economic and Social right protection
  • International protection of enforced migrants rights
  • Electives:
    • Cultural Rights
    • Children's rights protection: legal tools and Mechanisms

Tbilisi State University

  • Social, Economic and Cultural Rights – Universal, Regional (CoE, EU) and Constitutional (of selected jurisdictions) Protection
  • International Human Rights Law and Minorities
  • International Investment Law and Human Rights
  • International Law
  • Electives:
    • Population and European Development
    • Human Rights and Democracy: challenges and opportunities

American University in Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan

  • Human rights in a changing world
  • Human Rights in Armed Conflicts
  • Technology, Justice and HR
  • Business and HR
  • Electives:
    • HR and Environmental Law
    • Combating violence against women

Second Semester – Part II

From June to September 2024 (15 ECTS)

After mobility part of Second semester students return to their home countries to work on:

  • Internship
  • Master Thesis