Deadline for non-EU
and scholarship applicants:

12 February 2024

Deadline for EU
and self-funded applicants:

16 April 2024

Frequently Asked Questions


I’m not able to submit the final transcript of records and degree diploma of my bachelor’s degree by 31 August. What should I do?

If you are still waiting to receive documentation regarding fulfilment of the final requirements of your bachelor’s degree, you might be granted conditional/temporary enrolment.

As a temporary enrolled student, you can:

  • Attend EMA courses and take exams
  • Access the library resources of the Global Campus of Human Rights

As a temporary enrolled student, you cannot:

  • Complete enrolment with the University of Padua
  • Access the library resources of the University of Padua

If it is not possible for you to submit the missing documents within a reasonable timeframe, you run the risk that your conditional enrolment is discontinued. Therefore it is important that you send us all necessary enrolment documents by 31 August or as quickly as possible thereafter.

What is the timeframe for obtaining my Declaration of Value (DoV), and what should I do if this is delayed?

Processing time can vary from country to country. Some consulates process the DoV applications quite promptly while sometime it can take several months to process your DoV request. If your DoV is delayed, or if you are experiencing delays along the way, please promptly inform the EMA Secretariat. The alternative document may be Statement of Comparability.

Second Semester

What do I need to do to advance to the second semester?

In order to be admitted to the Second Semester, students should meet the following requirements:

  • Attend classes regularly and in line with attendance policy
  • Score an average mark of at least 6.0 for the first semester 
  • Collect a minimum of 22 (out of a maximum of 30) units. 

Will I be assigned to a second semester university or can I choose where I go?

It is a combination of both. The allocation is done on the basis of the student’s thesis proposal and the student’s choice of university. Students can apply to six participating universities with their thesis proposal. The universities then evaluate whether suitable supervision is available for the thesis topic and the EMA Team together with the governing bodies finalises the allocation based on student choice and university feedback, also taking into consideration the maximum hosting capacity of three EMA students per university.

I don’t know about what to write my thesis/thesis proposal. What should I do?

Follow the thesis proposal suggestions in the introductory materials provided to you over the summer to get started with brainstorming potential topics. After arrival in Venice, the EMA Team will work with students on developing their thesis proposal and topic.

When will I know where I will go for my second semester?

The second semester allocation procedure is usually completed by the beginning of December.


What if I have a disability or special needs?

If you have a disability or special needs, you should report to the EMA Secretariat at the time of your acceptance of the admission offer. Students who have a disability certificate pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 1 or 3 of Italian Law n. 104 of 5 February 1992 issued by an Italian Medical Committee or with civil disability equal to or greater than 66% attested by an Italian Medical Committee are exempt from payment of tuition fees. In order to enrol in the programme they are only required to pay the pre-registration fee (Euro 31.00), insurance costs (Euro  6.50) and a tax duty (Euro 32.00).

What is the workload in the EMA programme?

The EMA programme is intense, particularly the first semester, when students take classes of the core curriculum every morning of the week (9:15-12:45) and attend selective modules in the afternoons. During the second semester, students take at least two courses at their host university and work on their master’s thesis.

Is attendance mandatory?

Yes. Attendance is compulsory and monitored on a daily basis. A maximum number of seven absences from mandatory classes during the first semester is acceptable where there are legitimate reasons justifying such absences.

Do I need to buy textbooks and other reading materials?

The EMA programme provides you with the necessary reading materials via its e-learning platform Blackboard.

What marking scheme does EMA use?

The marks for each exam, essay and assignment will be awarded according to a scale from 0 to 10. Markers may use one single decimal point to distinguish between categories (for example 7.5). The scale is to be interpreted as follows:

10 = Excellent

An excellent and exceptional performance. It displays originality and shows a well-defined argument and critical analysis. Overall, academically outstanding with no shortcomings.

9 = Very Good

A sound performance, above average standard, needing only minor revisions. It makes a logical and consistent argument and displays analytical reasoning and good use of evidence and/or exposition and accurate citations, but may contain a few shortcomings and only a few grammatical and spelling errors.

8 = Good

Sound performance of average quality needing revisions because of certain shortcomings. There is the core of a good argument that needs to be better supported. Overall, it shows hard work that needs to be cleaned up, for instance, concerning grammar, spelling and citations.

7 = Satisfactory

Overall a competent performance, with a good structure that is reasonably articulated, but with some significant shortcomings of a substantial nature as well as problems with grammar, spelling, and citations.

6 = Pass

Performance which is reasonably executed so that it meets the minimum criteria, but it contains problems with substance, exposition and argumentation as well as problems with grammar, spelling, and citations.

5 = Close Fail

Awarded to a performance which clearly fails to meet the Programme’s requirement, but which nevertheless demonstrates some understanding of the material.

3 = Serious Fail

Awarded to a performance which is entirely inadequate.

0 = Fail

Awarded when no work is submitted or when it is submitted in violation of general principles of academic honesty.