Second Round Deadline:

30 March 2020

Extended Deadline:

12 May 2020

EMA is open to EU and non-EU citizens.

The criteria used during the selection process are:

  • academic ability and background
  • experience
  • language competence
  • motivation

Academic requirements

Applicants are required to hold a university degree of a high standard in a field relevant to human rights, including disciplines in Law, Social Sciences and Humanities, and must have a minimum of 180 ECTS (Bachelor/General Degree).

Candidatures can be considered as long as the applicant has obtained a degree corresponding to:

  • 180 ECTS credits (generally a 3-year course) or
  • 240 ECTS credits (generally a 4-year course) or
  • A combination of a degree of 180 ECTS and relevant proven additional experience or studies (such as 1-year MA or summer courses)

Applicants completing the degree entry requirements subsequently to the application deadline are requested to provide a current transcript of exams. Eventual admission into the Programme will be conditional upon receipt of documentation of the completed degree (by 31 August).

All selected candidates who hold a non-EU degree are required to produce upon admission a “declaration of value” of their degree. Non-EU candidates are moreover required to obtain a study visa which must cover the entire duration of the academic year (September 2020 – September 2021). Both the study visa and the “declaration of value” are preconditions for enrolment and should be requested from the competent Italian Embassy or representation offices.

Additional studies and experience

Additional studies and practical experience in the area of human rights in inter-governmental, governmental, or non-governmental organisations are helpful.

Language competence

Certified fluency in English is an admission requirement to the programme. While not a prerequisite, the ability to understand lectures and read academic texts in French is a definite advantage for participation in the programme.

How to Apply

The call for applications for the academic year 2020/2021 is now open.

First Round Deadline: 3 February 2020
Second Round Deadline: 30 March 2020
Extended Deadline: 12 May 2020

In order to submit your application, please carefully read the admission criteria and follow the steps below:


STEP 1 - Application processing fee

In order for your application to be considered it is mandatory that you pay the application processing fee of 50 (fifty) Euro by one of the following methods:

  • Secure Online Payment System
  • Bank transfer to the following bank account only if the method above is not available to you:

    Beneficiary:Global Campus of Human Rights

    Bank: Intesa Sanpaolo SPA

    Bank address: Piazza Paolo Ferrari, 10 - 20121 Milano

    For money transfer between the countries included in the SEPA Region (Single Euro Payments Area):

    IBAN code (International Bank Account Number): IT72Q 03069 09606 10000 0016008


    For money transfer from countries not included in the SEPA Region:

    ABI Code: 03069 - CAB Code: 09606

    Bank account: C/C: 10000 0016008


    Please include the following transfer description:

    • Name and surname of the applicant for whom the payment is made (IMPORTANT: make sure this information is clearly indicated if the payment is made through the bank account of a relative or friend)
    • European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation

In case of technical problems with the above methods of payment, please contact Ms. Dania Ferrarese.

Once you have completed the payment of the processing fee, please make an electronic copy of your receipt of payment and upload it to the application form (STEP 2).


STEP 2 - Online Application form

Only applications submitted through this link be accepted.

The entire application, including your statement of motivation and the CV, has to be presented in English. Please also include a non-certified English translation of the required proofs, if the original certificates were not issued in English, French, Spanish or Italian.

If you intend to apply for Global Campus' financial support as a precondition for participating in the EMA programme, please be informed that very few grants or tuition waivers are available.

For any problem concerning your submission, please contact the EMA Secretariat.

For clarification on the letters of reference and English language certificates please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section of our website.

Online Application Form

In order to apply, please go to this link: register and follow the simple proposed instructions.
For any problem concerning your submission, please contact the EMA Secretariat.