Admission Requirements
What are the ECTS credits?
The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is widely used by universities as a tool to measure the weight of the academic performance at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. According to this system, one year of university studies generally corresponds to 60 ECTS, while a Bachelor Degree (BA) corresponds to 180 ECTS or equivalent. More details are available at:
How can I obtain the specification of relevant ECTS credits for my diploma, certificate, etc.?
To obtain such specification the applicant should refer to the institution (university or other educational authority), which issued the relevant diploma or which organises the courses the applicant is attending. If the diploma/degree-granting institution is not in a position to specify the ECTS credits related to the course in question, it should provide indications of an alternative credit system (and how to convert it into the ECTS system) or summarise key information on the relevant course (duration, workload, supervision, individual research/preparation) so that the EMA Executive Committee has sufficient information to make a comparative assessment for ECTS evaluation.
Can I transfer from my current university to EMA and finish my degree there? Is there a way to calculate the credits I have already obtained in my university into the EMA curriculum and let me skip some parts of the programme?
Due to the inter-disciplinarity and uniqueness of our master’s programme, which takes place in Venice for the first semester and in one of our 42 partner universities for the second semester, it is not possible to transfer from any other university and to recognise previous credits to skip parts of the course.
Can I complete the degree entry requirements of the EMA programme after the application deadline?
Applicants completing the degree entry requirements after the application deadline have to provide a current transcript at the time of application. Admittance to the programme is conditional upon official documentation of completion of the degree before 31 August.
I have a degree in another discipline than law/social sciences/humanities. Can I still apply for EMA?
If you have a university degree with a minimum of 180 ECTS, you are eligible to apply for EMA. We also consider applications with degrees in a field not immediately relevant to human rights. Given the interdisciplinary character of human rights (and of EMA) and the multitude of activities which one can conduct in the field, it is up to you to demonstrate the relevance of your prior learning and how you would like to take advantage of your background. We encourage you to apply and state your ideas about the relevance of your background in your letter of motivation.
Is EMA an MA or LLM programme?
EMA is an interdisciplinary programme that allows students to study human rights from different academic perspectives. It is not a strictly legal or LLM programme. Moreover, the national equivalent value attributed to the EMA Joint Degree varies among the Inner Circle Universities conferring the diploma.
If I can prove that I carried out my entire university education in English, do I still need to provide a language certificate such as TOEFL or IELTS?
In principle, only English native speakers will be exempted from submitting a certification of English proficiency. Applicants whose native language is not English may apply to have the requirement for an English language proficiency examination waived if:
- They have received their degree from a university in a country where both the language of instruction and the official language is English; or
- They have completed at least two years of post-secondary education in an English-speaking country.
Applicants must submit a request for waiver with their application citing their specific circumstances for exemption. The EMA Executive Committee retains discretion to approve or deny any waiver request. In case of denial, you still have to submit one of the accepted certificates by 31 August.
Is there an age limit to participate in EMA?
EMA does not apply any age limit. However, in case of applications from mature candidates, acceptance is generally conditioned upon demonstrated intention to put skills and knowledge acquired to practical use in advancing their career. As a general indication, the EMA students’ age range is between 23 and 35.