Course dates:

9 – 16 March 2024

How to Enrol

In order to ensure the highest level of interaction the number of participants will be limited to 25, therefore we strongly recommend early registration.

The Global Campus of Human Rights reserves the right to select participants based on their academic and professional profile. Applicants fulfilling the conditions for participation will be accepted on the basis of a "first enrolled, first in" policy. All details regarding our cancellation policy can be found here.This way, participants will have as much time as possible for the organisation of Visa, travelling and accommodation (see also: Practical Information).

The full application, including motivation letter and CV, has to be submitted in English. Please also include a non-certified English translation if the original certificates were not issued in English, French, Spanish or Italian.

For any problem concerning your submission, please contact the Venice School secretariat:

The Global Campus holds the right to use pictures and videos of the participants taken during the online course for its own marketing purposes unless disagreement with this policy is expressed by a participant concerned.

Applicant Requiring Visas

Non-EU applicants require a Visa to access Italy.
Participants requiring Visas usually need to produce an official letter of invitation from the Venice School secretariat to the Visa Application Centre. As these are only issued upon receipt of full payment, we encourage non-EU applicants to apply to the training with adequate advance and with full payment. Following notification of admission, the Venice School secretariat will provide you with an invitation letter confirming that you are offered a place in the programme and the fees are paid.

Visa application process can take several months: we strongly recommend applicants to apply as soon as they receive the invitation letter from the Venice School secretariat in order to appeal any refusals.

Please visit this website for more information about visa requirements

General Information:

All fields with asterisk (*) are mandatory


Contact Details:



Please state in max. 500 words your reasons for applying to the Venice School for Human Rights Defenders and explain what are your expectations:


How did you know about the School?*

e.g. Global Campus of Human Rights website/newsletter/social media accounts, online search, friends/colleagues, other websites/portals...




Invoice Details:


Privacy Policy and Declaration of Authenticity: