Accordion Faculty et similia - Code
Secretary General
Manfred Nowak
Manfred Nowak was appointed Secretary General in January 2016. He is primarily responsible for the well-functioning and well-being of EIUC as an institution under Italian law and all its activities in the framework of the Global Campus of Human Rights, including seven Master programmes in different world regions and various other education, training and research programmes and projects.
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Administrative Director
Elisabetta Noli
The Administrative Director ensures daily coordination of the activities carried out by the operational staff at EIUC headquarters in Venice.
She is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the activities provided in the action documents, to authorise purchases/expenditures within specific threshold; she is the contact point in relation to specific management processes / or evaluations, and assisting the EIUC/GC Governing bodies on specific aspects related to development of the organisation (institutional issues, human resources, partnerships, etc.).
She holds a post-graduate Diploma in Human Rights Protection Techniques from the University of Padua, and has been serving eiuc since its inception in various functions, including project manager.
Phone: +39 041 2720 935
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<div class="table_accordion"><!-- TABLE BEGIN --> <div class="table_people_cell"><!-- DIV MANFRED BEGIN --> <img class="img_persona" src="files/eiuc/staff/Manfred_Nowak_global_campus_eiuc.jpg" alt="Manfred Nowak - Global Campus"> <div class="description_page_programme no_border no_padding no_margin_bottom"> <p class="ruolo_persona titolo_gc_europe">Secretary General</p> <p class="subtitle_page_programme margin_bottom_20">Manfred Nowak</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">Manfred Nowak was appointed Secretary General in January 2016. He is primarily responsible for the well-functioning and well-being of EIUC as an institution under Italian law and all its activities in the framework of the Global Campus of Human Rights, including seven Master programmes in different world regions and various other education, training and research programmes and projects.</p> <div class="text_read_more" style="display: none;"> <p class="margin_bottom_20">In order to carry out the function of Secretary General successfully, he cooperates and interacts with a great number of different stakeholders: He is the head of some 30 staff of EIUC in the Monastery of San Nicolò at the Lido in Venice, he is responsible for the preparation and implementation of decisions of the governing bodies of EIUC (Assembly and Board of Administrators under the leadership of Dzidek Kedzia as President of EIUC), he cooperates with the coordinating universities of the Global Campus under the chair of Veronica Gomez, the EIUC Advisory Board and with the students of the various Master Programmes and more than 3,000 graduates who are represented by the Global Campus Alumni Associations.</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">In addition, he interacts with various institutions of the European Union, which is the main source of funding for EIUC/Global Campus, above all the Commission (DEVCO), the Parliament, the External Action Service (EEAS) and the Council Working Group COHOM, with other international organizations (e.g. UN, UNESCO, Council of Europe, OSCE), non-governmental organizations and development agencies (e.g. GIZ).</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">Manfred Nowak has a long history with the pioneering programme of the Global Campus, the European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA): He was teaching already in the first programme in 1997, then representing the University of Vienna and acting as Austrian National Director until his appointment as Secretary General. He also served as Chair of EMA between the years 2000 and 2007. He was among the founders of EIUC in 2002 and also taught in other Master programmes of the Global Council, such as in Africa and South East Europe. His vision for the next years is to broaden the Global Campus network of currently 100 universities, to further integrate the various components of the Global Campus and to transform EIUC/Global Campus from a European-centred to a truly global institution with an effective global governance structure. At the same time, he wishes to further develop the seat of EIUC and the Global Campus in Venice, and the relationship with local partners with a special focus on the interaction between the arts and human rights. Most importantly, he feels that in a time of multiple economic, financial, climate and other global crises, which undermine the basic universal values of peace, democracy, global justice, human rights and the rule of law, academics have a particular responsibility to speak out and to strengthen human rights education at every level of human learning in order to foster a universal culture of human rights.</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">In addition to his function as Secretary General of EIUC/Global Campus, Manfred Nowak still has a part-time Professorship of International Human Rights at the University of Vienna (where he is head of the Vienna Master of Arts in Human Rights and two human rights research centres). Moreover, in October 2016 he was appointed as UN Expert to lead the Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty, a function he carries out in close cooperation with EIUC and the Global Campus participating universities as well as with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, which he founded in 1992 in Vienna.</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">Aside from Vienna University, Manfred Nowak was Professor of International Law and Human Rights at various prestigious universities, such as Utrecht, Lund, Stanford and the Graduate Institute in Geneva and has published more than 600 books and articles in this field, including various language editions of the CCPR-Commentary, a CAT-Commentary and an Introduction to the International Human Rights Regime. His latest books deal with the human rights as an answer to growing economic inequality (Menschenrechte - Eine Antwort auf die wachsende ökonomische Ungleichheit, Konturen Hamburg 2016) and with the limits of privatization from a human rights perspective (Human Rights or Global Capitalism, Pennsylvania Press 2017).</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">In the past, Manfred Nowak also carried out various expert functions for the UN, the Council of Europe, the EU and other inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations. Most importantly, he served for many years in various functions as UN Expert on Enforced Disappearances (1993 to 2006), as one of eight international judges in the Human Rights Chamber for Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo (1996 to 2003), and as UN Special Rapporteur on Torture (2004 to 2010).</p> <div class="download"> <a href="files/eiuc/staff/MANFRED_NOWAK_CV.pdf" download="files/eiuc/staff/MANFRED_NOWAK_CV.pdf"><img class="icona_download" src="files/eiuc/icona_download.svg" alt="icona download"></a> <p class="titolo_gc_europe"><a class="download" href="files/eiuc/staff/MANFRED_NOWAK_CV.pdf" download="">CV Download</a></p> </div> <p>Email: <a class="titolo_gc_europe" href=""></a><br> Phone: <a class="titolo_gc_europe" href="tel:+39 347 6263102">+39 347 6263102</a></p> </div> <div class="accordion accordion_gc_south_europe read_more"> <div class="icon_e_title_accordion"> <div class="piu_accordion"> <div class="verticale"> </div> <div class="orizzontale"> </div> </div> <p class="title_accordion more_less">Read More</p> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- DIV MANFRED END --> <div class="table_people_cell"><!-- DIV ELISABETTA BEGIN --> <img class="img_persona" src="files/eiuc/staff/Elisabetta_Noli_global_campus_eiuc.jpg" alt="Elena Battaglia - Global Campus"> <div class="description_page_programme no_border no_padding no_margin_bottom"> <p class="ruolo_persona titolo_gc_europe">Administrative Director</p> <p class="subtitle_page_programme margin_bottom_20">Elisabetta Noli</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The Administrative Director ensures daily coordination of the activities carried out by the operational staff at EIUC headquarters in Venice.</p> <div class="text_read_more"> <p class="margin_bottom_20">She is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the activities provided in the action documents, to authorise purchases/expenditures within specific threshold; she is the contact point in relation to specific management processes / or evaluations, and assisting the EIUC/GC Governing bodies on specific aspects related to development of the organisation (institutional issues, human resources, partnerships, etc.).</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">She holds a post-graduate Diploma in Human Rights Protection Techniques from the University of Padua, and has been serving eiuc since its inception in various functions, including project manager.</p> <p>Email: <a class="titolo_gc_europe" href=""></a><br> Phone: <a class="titolo_gc_europe" href="tel:+39 041 2720 935">+39 041 2720 935</a></p> </div> <div class="accordion accordion_gc_south_europe read_more"> <div class="icon_e_title_accordion"> <div class="piu_accordion"> <div class="verticale"> </div> <div class="orizzontale"> </div> </div> <p class="title_accordion more_less">Read More</p> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- DIV ELISABETTA END --> </div><!-- TABLE END -->
Accordion GC Europe et similia - Code
As stated in the Venice Charter of the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation, the organisational structure of the EMA Programme consists of the following organs:
EMA Council
The Council shall be the highest decision-making body and shall supervise the international and national elements of the Programme. It shall, inter alia:
- Adopt directives regarding the budget, to be submitted to the EIUC
- Elect the EMA Chairperson, by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present
- Elect the ordinary members of the Executive Committee, by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present
- invite appropriate persons to form the Advisory Board
- Specify the conditions of admission, determine the overall size of the student body, and determine the student fees
- Specify the rules of assessment
- Propose to the Inner Circle Universities the awarding of the Master’s degree to those students who meet all the requirements of the Programme
- Evaluate the Programme at the end of each academic year
- Approve all structural changes to the Programme
- Decide on the admission of additional universities to the Programme, by a 2/3 majority vote of all Participating Universities
- Decide on the expulsion of a Participating University, by a 3/4 majority vote of all Participating Universities
The Council shall consist of:
- One representative of each Participating University (the EMA Director, or his/her alternate)
- The EMA Programme Director (ex officio member)
- The EIUC President and Secretary General (with consultative status)
- Two representatives of the student body (with consultative status)
EMA Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall:
- Implement the decisions of the Council
- Nominate the EMA Programme Director, for appointment by the EIUC Board
- Oversee examinations and other procedures
- Monitor the planning of the academic programme for the first semester, taking into account the recommendations of the Academic Curriculum Group
- Make the final selection of the students to the Programme
- Review and compile examination results
- Establish contacts with inter-governmental, non-governmental, and governmental organisations
- Propose initiatives for the development of the Programme to the Council
- Promote collaborative research among the Participating Universities
The Executive Committee shall consist of:
- The EMA Chairperson
- The EMA Programme Director (ex officio member)
- Seven ordinary members, drawn from the Council, including at least one from the Inner Circle Universities
- the EIUC President and Secretary General (with consultative status)
The current members of the EMA Executive Committee are:
- Ria Wolleswinkel (University of Maastricht) – Chairperson
- George Ulrich (EMA Programme Director)
- Paolo De Stefani (University of Padua)
- Dr. Hans-Joachim Giessmann (University of Hamburg)
- Koen Lemmens (KU Leuven)
- Radu Carp (University of Bucharest)
- Maria-Daniella Marouda (Panteion University, Athens)
- Dr. Nikolay Natov (St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia)
- Orsolya Salat (Eotvos Lorand University)
Academic Curriculum Group
The Academic Curriculum Group reviews the curriculum of the programme, and makes appropriate recommendations to the Council and the Executive Committee.
EMA Programme Director
The EMA Programme Director shall, inter alia:
- Implement and develop the Programme
- Liaise with EMA Directors, Rectors and Presidents of universities, the EMA Chairperson, the Academic Curriculum Group and the Advisory Board
- Forge contacts with international and other related organisations
- Put forward proposals to be addressed in meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee, and implement decisions taken by them
Prof. George Ulrich is the EMA Programme Director.
EMA Directors
The EMA Directors shall:
- Ensure the implementation of the EMA Programme at their respective universities
- Execute the decisions of the Council and the Executive Committee
The EMA Directors of the National Coordinating Universities coordinate the Programme activities at the national level.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board shall:
- Advise the Council on the Programme
- Be apprised of the decisions of the Council and the Executive Committee
The Advisory Board shall consist of individuals and representatives of international, national, and non-governmental organisations, active in the field of human rights and democratisation. They shall be invited by the Council.
The current members of the Advisory Board are the representatives of the following institutions:
- European Union
- Municipality of Venice
- Region of Veneto
- United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Council of Europe
- Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- Human Rights Watch
- International Committee of Jurists
- International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims
<div class="ce_text description_page_programme block"> <p class="subtitle_page_programme">Organisational Structure</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">As stated in the <a class="titolo_gc_europe" title="Venice Charter " href="files/eiuc/Venice Charter.pdf" target="_blank">Venice Charter</a> <strong>of the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation</strong>, the organisational structure of the <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Programme consists of the following organs:</p> <div class="accordion margin_bottom_20 accordion_gc_europe"> <div class="icon_e_title_accordion"> <div class="piu_accordion"> <div class="verticale"> </div> <div class="orizzontale"> </div> </div> <p class="title_accordion titolo_gc_europe"><span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Council</p> </div> <div class="text_accordion"> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The Council shall be the highest decision-making body and shall supervise the international and national elements of the Programme. It shall, inter alia:</p> <ul class="lista_con_pallini margin_bottom_20"> <li>Adopt directives regarding the budget, to be submitted to the EIUC</li> <li>Elect the <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Chairperson, by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present</li> <li>Elect the ordinary members of the Executive Committee, by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present</li> <li>invite appropriate persons to form the Advisory Board</li> <li>Specify the conditions of admission, determine the overall size of the student body, and determine the student fees</li> <li>Specify the rules of assessment</li> <li>Propose to the Inner Circle Universities the awarding of the Master’s degree to those students who meet all the requirements of the Programme</li> <li>Evaluate the Programme at the end of each academic year</li> <li>Approve all structural changes to the Programme</li> <li>Decide on the admission of additional universities to the Programme, by a 2/3 majority vote of all Participating Universities</li> <li>Decide on the expulsion of a Participating University, by a 3/4 majority vote of all Participating Universities</li> </ul> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The Council shall consist of:</p> <ul class="lista_con_pallini margin_bottom_20"> <li>One representative of each Participating University (the <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Director, or his/her alternate)</li> <li>The <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Programme Director (ex officio member)</li> <li>The EIUC President and Secretary General (with consultative status)</li> <li>Two representatives of the student body (with consultative status)</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="accordion margin_bottom_20 accordion_gc_europe"> <div class="icon_e_title_accordion"> <div class="piu_accordion"> <div class="verticale"> </div> <div class="orizzontale"> </div> </div> <p class="title_accordion titolo_gc_europe"><span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Executive Committee</p> </div> <div class="text_accordion"> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The Executive Committee shall:</p> <ul class="lista_con_pallini margin_bottom_20"> <li>Implement the decisions of the Council</li> <li>Nominate the <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Programme Director, for appointment by the EIUC Board</li> <li>Oversee examinations and other procedures</li> <li>Monitor the planning of the academic programme for the first semester, taking into account the recommendations of the Academic Curriculum Group</li> <li>Make the final selection of the students to the Programme</li> <li>Review and compile examination results</li> <li>Establish contacts with inter-governmental, non-governmental, and governmental organisations</li> <li>Propose initiatives for the development of the Programme to the Council</li> <li>Promote collaborative research among the Participating Universities</li> </ul> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The Executive Committee shall consist of:</p> <ul class="lista_con_pallini margin_bottom_20"> <li>The <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Chairperson</li> <li>The <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Programme Director (ex officio member)</li> <li>Seven ordinary members, drawn from the Council, including at least one from the Inner Circle Universities</li> <li>the EIUC President and Secretary General (with consultative status)</li> </ul> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The current members of the <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Executive Committee are:</p> <ul class="lista_con_pallini margin_bottom_20"> <li>Ria Wolleswinkel (University of Maastricht) – Chairperson</li> <li>George Ulrich (<span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Programme Director)</li> <li>Paolo De Stefani (University of Padua)</li> <li>Dr. Hans-Joachim Giessmann (University of Hamburg)</li> <li>Koen Lemmens (KU Leuven)</li> <li>Radu Carp (University of Bucharest)</li> <li>Maria-Daniella Marouda (Panteion University, Athens)</li> <li>Dr. Nikolay Natov (St Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia)</li> <li>Orsolya Salat (Eotvos Lorand University)</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="accordion margin_bottom_20 accordion_gc_europe"> <div class="icon_e_title_accordion"> <div class="piu_accordion"> <div class="verticale"> </div> <div class="orizzontale"> </div> </div> <p class="title_accordion titolo_gc_europe">Academic Curriculum Group</p> </div> <div class="text_accordion"> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The Academic Curriculum Group reviews the curriculum of the programme, and makes appropriate recommendations to the Council and the Executive Committee.</p> </div> </div> <div class="accordion margin_bottom_20 accordion_gc_europe"> <div class="icon_e_title_accordion"> <div class="piu_accordion"> <div class="verticale"> </div> <div class="orizzontale"> </div> </div> <p class="title_accordion titolo_gc_europe"><span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Programme Director</p> </div> <div class="text_accordion"> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Programme Director shall, inter alia:</p> <ul class="lista_con_pallini margin_bottom_20"> <li>Implement and develop the Programme</li> <li>Liaise with <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Directors, Rectors and Presidents of universities, the <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Chairperson, the Academic Curriculum Group and the Advisory Board</li> <li>Forge contacts with international and other related organisations</li> <li>Put forward proposals to be addressed in meetings of the Council and the Executive Committee, and implement decisions taken by them</li> </ul> <p class="margin_bottom_20">Prof. George Ulrich is the <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Programme Director.</p> </div> </div> <div class="accordion margin_bottom_20 accordion_gc_europe"> <div class="icon_e_title_accordion"> <div class="piu_accordion"> <div class="verticale"> </div> <div class="orizzontale"> </div> </div> <p class="title_accordion titolo_gc_europe"><span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Directors</p> </div> <div class="text_accordion"> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Directors shall:</p> <ul class="lista_con_pallini margin_bottom_20"> <li>Ensure the implementation of the <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Programme at their respective universities</li> <li>Execute the decisions of the Council and the Executive Committee</li> </ul> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The <span class="maiuscoletto">EMA</span> Directors of the National Coordinating Universities coordinate the Programme activities at the national level.</p> </div> </div> <div class="accordion margin_bottom_20 accordion_gc_europe"> <div class="icon_e_title_accordion"> <div class="piu_accordion"> <div class="verticale"> </div> <div class="orizzontale"> </div> </div> <p class="title_accordion titolo_gc_europe">Advisory Board</p> </div> <div class="text_accordion"> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The Advisory Board shall:</p> <ul class="lista_con_pallini margin_bottom_20"> <li>Advise the Council on the Programme</li> <li>Be apprised of the decisions of the Council and the Executive Committee</li> </ul> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The Advisory Board shall consist of individuals and representatives of international, national, and non-governmental organisations, active in the field of human rights and democratisation. They shall be invited by the Council.</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">The current members of the Advisory Board are the representatives of the following institutions:</p> <ul class="lista_con_pallini margin_bottom_20"> <li>European Union</li> <li>Municipality of Venice</li> <li>Region of Veneto</li> <li>United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights</li> <li>UNESCO</li> <li>Council of Europe</li> <li>Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe</li> <li>Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH</li> <li>International Committee of the Red Cross</li> <li>Human Rights Watch</li> <li>International Committee of Jurists</li> <li>International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div>
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During the EMA second semester students relocate to one of the 41 participating universities to follow courses in an area of specialisation of their own choice and to undertake personal supervised research finalised in the writing of their master‘s thesis.
This part of the programme is conceived as a European exchange, which implies that students will be hosted for the second semester activities in a university located in a country other than their own. During the first half of the first semester, students define individual thesis topics on the basis of which suitable EMA universities to host these studies are identified. This process is carried out by the EMA Academic Team according to an established format. The maximum number of students that can be hosted by each participating university is three.
Students may be allocated to any EMA university taking into account both the student's and the university's interest, the suitability of the thesis topic for the respective department and the quality of the thesis proposal. This part of the programme is conceived as an exchange, which implies that students will be hosted for the second semester activities in a university located in a country other than their own. The decision is made by the EMA Executive Council (in consultation with the EMA Council) in December and is final and binding.
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<div class="ce_text description_page_programme block"> <p class="subtitle_page_programme">Second Semester</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">During the EMA second semester students relocate to one of the <a href="education/ema/universities/universities-and-directors.html">41 participating universities</a> to follow courses in an area of specialisation of their own choice and to undertake personal supervised research finalised in the writing of their master‘s thesis.</p> <div class="text_read_more"> <br> <p class="margin_bottom_20">This part of the programme is conceived as a European exchange, which implies that students will be hosted for the second semester activities in a university located in a country other than their own. During the first half of the first semester, students define individual thesis topics on the basis of which suitable EMA universities to host these studies are identified. This process is carried out by the EMA Academic Team according to an established format. The maximum number of students that can be hosted by each participating university is three.</p> <p class="margin_bottom_20">Students may be allocated to any EMA university taking into account both the student's and the university's interest, the suitability of the thesis topic for the respective department and the quality of the thesis proposal. This part of the programme is conceived as an exchange, which implies that students will be hosted for the second semester activities in a university located in a country other than their own. The decision is made by the EMA Executive Council (in consultation with the EMA Council) in December and is final and binding.</p> </div> <div class="accordion accordion_gc_arab read_more"> <div class="icon_e_title_accordion"> <div class="piu_accordion"> <div class="verticale"> </div> <div class="orizzontale"> </div> </div> <p class="title_accordion more_less">Read More</p> </div> </div> </div>