Gender digital divide: The new face of inequality in the MENA region

In the MENA region, the pronounced gender digital divide hinders women's socio-economic equality. To prevent women from becoming second-class citizens in technology, a human rights-based approach to educational technology and changes in educational systems and cultural norms are needed.



Journeys of identity: Moroccan LGBTIQ+ experiences in migration across Germany and beyond

In a context of insecurity and health crisis, along with the criminalisation of acts between people of the same sex, in Morocco LGBTIQ+ rights to life, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of expression and association are violated. Affected people have mainly fled to Germany, despite the hardships in this ‘Eldorado’ state.



Giulia Cecchettin’s murder: the femicide that awoke Italy to its patriarchal reality

The femicide of Giulia Cecchettin provoked massive reactions in Italy. With unprecedented strength, social movements and the political sphere addressed the direct responsibility of patriarchal culture. Nonetheless, the government was not ready to answer this social challenge.



Challenges, Lights and Shadows of Xiomara Castro's Government in Honduras

After 12 years of social and democratic erosion under previous regimes, Xiomara Castro´s government has the chance to make structural transformations in Honduras. It is worth exploring three main axes to analyse what the new government has done and what needs to be done.



It happened to boys and men too

Wartime sexual violence serves as a tool for constructing and negotiating power among various cultural, religious, and ethnic groups. Consequently, it is of utmost importance to address all forms of sexual violence that occurred during the war in Kosova, regardless of the gender of the victims.



Femicide in the Balkans: An alarming situation

Balkan states must develop serious strategies to prevent violence against women and girls. Serbia and Albania witnessed 28 femicides by the end of August 2023. 24 in Serbia, the youngest victim just two years old, while in Bosnia and Herzegovina a man posted the killing of his ex-partner on Instagram. Most perpetrators were fathers, sons, partners or ex-partners and violence preceded most murders.



Legal gender recognition in North Macedonia: a question dividing society

For years, transgender people have battled traditional norms in order to gain social acceptance. Now, North Macedonia is faced with an international obligation which will hopefully provide the push to take much-needed steps to enable legal gender recognition.



What can we do about online hate speech and abuse: А chat with ChatGPT

There are potential applications of ChatGPT and similar AI language models in identifying offensive and violent language online. Analysts can play a role in refining these models – something especially crucial for languages spoken by limited populations.



African LGBTQ+ communities battling harms of dangerous conversion therapy

For generations, African families, schools, religious sects and peer groups have tried to ‘convert’ those who identify as LGBTQ+ in an effort to force them to conform to the heterosexual narrative promoted as ‘homogeneous’. However, individuals undergo serious physical and psychological suffering in the name of this pseudo-therapy.



Duty to Protect: Nationalism and LGBTIQ+ Freedoms in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina

A series of attempts to ban LGBTIQ+ events and content in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina hinder freedoms of assembly and expression. Upholding democratic values of tolerance and inclusivity is vital to combat exclusionary politics and ensure equality for all.
