Human Rights Defenders

Independent Media Flee Russia to Evade Censorship Over War in Ukraine

Russia has a long history of media censorship but since invading Ukraine, state propaganda has reached enormous levels. Most independent journalists have fled the country so they can report factually on current events. Others are protesting from within.



Killings of Environmental Defenders in Latin America

Latin America and the Caribbean is the most insecure region for land and environmental defenders. States must be prepared to protect human rights defenders and implement public policies tackling the root causes of violence, including rethinking the extractive matrix.



Memorial Liquidation: An assault on memory and systematic violation of human rights

Two well-known human rights NGOs from the Russian Federation were banned by the decisions of its judiciary in December 2021. It is a case study that reveals the link between a corrupt judiciary and an authoritarian state for which human rights are the greatest threat.



Return to Being: A poem by Right Livelihood Laureate Nnimmo Bassey

This poem by laureate Nnimmo Bassey reminds our global community that human rights preparedness also means fostering resilience through poetry, art and other means of expression. Art eases suffering, empowers, and advocates in times of emergency.



Viral Pandemic in Solidarity: The need for a convention on emergencies and a single UN agency to face disasters

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the deadliest recent health emergencies, yet the international community failed to act quickly and with equity. This contribution proposes the development of a new convention and a UN agency to face disasters more effectively in the future.



Earth Democracy: Earth rights are human rights

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically emphasised the fact that we are facing an existential crisis with multiple emergencies. This contribution highlights some of the core assumptions that have led to an unsustainable lifestyle based on inequality and the destruction of life.



A Perspective on ‘Women in Global Health’: No preparedness without feminism

Women are hit particularly hard by the pandemic for a myriad of reasons. Reflecting on a webinar featuring three prominent Right Livelihood Laureates, this contribution highlights the need for embracing a feminist perspective aimed at societal transformation as a prerequisite for crisis preparedness.



Movements and a New Critical Space: ‘Going online’ in the time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic created an environment in which spaces for critical reflection are shrinking even more. Movements however are finding ways to remain active by going online to build sustainable strategic systems and, ultimately, better prepare for future democratic action.



Curated #2: Introducing Right Livelihood perspectives on human rights preparedness: Inspiring change in times of multiple crises

This contribution sets the scene for a curated section related to the work of Right Livelihood Laureates. Writing on a diverse range of topics, Right Livelihood Laureates challenge us to ‘be prepared’ in ourselves to change outdated systems perpetuating crises.



Human Rights and the Ethical Conduct of Research in Emergencies: Expanding the role of duty-bearers

Emergencies pose particular challenges to ethical research – yet research is essential for effective emergency response. Complementing human rights approaches, an ‘ethical compass’ of core values provides a basis to allocate responsibilities to a wide range of non-state duty-bearers.
