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Berlin Dialogue week – GIZ-EIUC cooperation on Good Governance in the Maghreb Region

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A study tour dedicated to the representatives of institutions to the GIZ Regional Programme Good Governance, Maghreb

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26/4/2013: Human Rights Conference: Migration and Borders at the University of Luxembourg

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Prof. Jean-Paul Lehners will open the Human Rights Conference: Migration and Borders on 26 April 2013 at the University of Luxembourg.

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EIUC welcomes the 1st edition of the Global Classroom in Venice

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The first edition of the Global Classroom took place at EIUC premises from the 29th of April to the 3rd of May 2013.

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Call for EIUC EU-UN Fellowship Programme 2013

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EIUC is offering to the E.MA graduates of the past 5 academic years, two positions as fellows in the framework of the EIUC EU-UN Fellowship Programme.

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EIUC (Venice) welcomes the first edition of the Global Classroom

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The first edition of the Global Classroom will take place at EIUC premises from the 29th of April to the 3rd of May 2013.

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