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E.MA students in Kosovo for field trip

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As per tradition and in keeping with the action- and policy-oriented approach of the E.MA Programme, masterini are currently in Kosovo for their annual Field Trip.

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14/XII/2012: The EU as an International Actor: Women in Democratic Transitions, Peace and Security

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An international seminar titled "The EU as an International Actor: Women in Democratic Transitions Peace and Security" took place this 14 December 2012 in Nicosia (Cyprus).

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Launching ceremony of the Global Campus of Regional Masters

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An extraordinary meeting of the Global Campus Council took place on Saturday 8 December 2012 at the Monastery of San Nicolò in Venice.

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08/XII/2012: Launch of the Global Campus of Regional Masters

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An extraordinary meeting of the Global Campus Council took place on Saturday 8 December 2012 at the Monastery of San Nicolò in Venice Lido (Italy).

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