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Meet Our E.MAlumni

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Nathalie De Nul (E.MA graduate 2006/2007). Lawyer specialized in national and international human rights, criminal and immigration law,

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Prof. Lehners appointed UNESCO Chair in Luxembourg

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EIUC and E.MA congratulate Prof. Jean-Paul Lehners, member of the EIUC Board and E.MA National Director for the University of Luxembourg, on his appointment as UNESCO Chair in Human Rights

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Prof. Lehners appointed UNESCO Chair in Luxembourg

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EIUC and Global Campus of Regional Masters congratulate Prof. Jean-Paul Lehners,on his appointment as UNESCO Chair in Human Rights.

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E.MA theses in the Review of East and Central European Law

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Professor Lauri Mälksoo, E.MA Director for Estonia (University of Tartu), has edited a special issue of the Review of East and Central European Law (Volume 37, 2012, No 2-3) published by Brill.

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Ca' Foscari University of Venice launches the Global Economics and Social Affairs Master (GESAM)

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The Ca' Foscari University of Venice opens the call for applications for the Global Economics and Social Affairs Master (GESAM).

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