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E.MAlumni Association Revitalisation!

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The E.MAlumni Association General Assembly took place in the afternoon after the presentation of ACIPS (The Association Alumni of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies - Sarajevo).

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Visit to EIUC of Moscow delegation in April 2010

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Three delegates of the Russian Consortium Project Management Team visited the EIUC premises in view of designing the first steps to implement the agreement between EIUC and the Consortium in the coming months.

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6-7 May 2010: Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Labour Law's Master: International Seminar

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A double international seminar of study was organized in cooperation with Ca' Foscari University of Venice, the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and the EC Dg Occupation and Social Affairs.

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Seminar: The New European Union Architecture in the Field of Human Rights. 6 May 2010, Brussels

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On 6 May 2010 in Brussels, EIUC in cooperation with the European Commission organised a seminar on The New European Union Architecture in the Field of Human Rights.

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