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Manfred Nowak nominated by the International Cultural Diversity Organization (ICDO) as the first recipient of the ICDO Excellence Award

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Manfred Nowak, EIUC / GC of Human Rights Secretary General, was recently nominated by the International Cultural Diversity Organization (ICDO) as the first recipient of the ICDO Excellence Award, which is given each year to honor a person, institution or organisation for its outstanding contribution, promotion and safeguarding of Culture Diversity and Human Rights as well as for his/her/its excellence in field of work.

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Queer Lion Award to "José" by Li Cheng

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The Queer Lion Award 2018, collateral award recognising the “Best Film with Homosexual & Queer Culture Themes” during the Venice International Film Festival, goes to "José" by Li Cheng.

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Cosmopolitan Village: crowdfunding campaign

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Following the partnership agreement signed with Fondazione Berengo,  the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) / Global Campus of Human Rights is organising a fundraising project called Cosmopolitan Village: a platform for Human Rights that will take place at the same time of the next 58th International Art Exhibition (Biennale di Venezia) from May until November 2019. Visiting this Village, the public could appreciate the artworks of well-known artists activists selected by the curator Koen Vanmechelen, and addressing the important relation between Arts and Human Rights. The project is now getting general public support through a crowdfunding campaign where everyone around the world could make a financial contribution to support this idea and help with the logistics.

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Global Campus Visual Contest: LGBTIQ+ Rights

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“Free and equal in dignity and rights: images of the everyday lives of LGBTIQ+ persons”

The Global Campus Visual Contest, that will open from 3 September until 8 February 2019, aims to create a platform to celebrate diversity of gender and sexual orientation identities...

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In memoriam of Kofi Annan

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Prof. Manfred Nowak, Secretary General of EIUC, on behalf of the Global Campus of Human Rights, wishes to pay tribute to Kofi Annan, who sadly passed away in Bern on 18 August...

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