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Sergio Mattarella: la medaglia del Presidente della Repubblica all'Ema

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In occasione del 20°anniversario del "Master europeo sui Diritti umani e la DemocratizzazioneGlobal Campus Europe, con cerimonia in programma alla Scuola Grande di San Rocco di Venezia il 24 settembre 2017, Sergio Mattarella, Capo dello Stato, ha voluto conferire la Medaglia del Presidente della Repubblica...

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Arab Master's programme in Democracy and Human Rights: first week of classes

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After three years in Venice, the Arab Master's programme in Democracy and Human Rights moved this year to Lebanon. Twenty students from across the Mediterranean and the Middle East arrived to Beirut to take part in it. It started with a presentation of the programme's four thematic sections: Democracy and Human Rights in the Middle East...

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A documentary on Professor Sir Nigel Rodley's

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Human Rights in the Picture, in close collaboration with the Human Rights Centre of Essex University and Docudon Production, hopes to create a documentary on Professor Sir Nigel Rodley's remarkable life story and...

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Cinema and Human Rights during Venezia74

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Our congratulations to Biennale Cinema2017 for its Venezia74, this year the Film Festival presented many movies interested in HumanRights and Global Goals, as "Downsizing", "Human Flow", "Sweet Country", "The Insult", "Mektoub, my love: canto uno", "Una famiglia", "The Leisure seeker"...

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Venezia 74: Venice Virtual Reality

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For the first time the city of Venice and la Biennale open the full potential to new technologies that will shape our future as humanity. We experimented the opening of Venice Virtual Reality at Lazzaretto Vecchio, where its historical buildings were restored thanks to the Polo Museale del Veneto and Biennale Cinema 2017...

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