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Become a member of EIUC / GC of Human Rights: join our Community!

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The heart of EIUC / GC of Human Rights is not only its Programs, but also the invaluable people who dedicate their time and passion sustaining it. The encouragement that our donors and members give us is to contribute greatly to...

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Interview to Adebayo Okeowo, a member of the Global Campus Visual Contest 2017

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Adebayo Okeowo is the founder of White Code Centre, an organisation that creatively uses pictures, videos and multimedia tools to inspire social change and educate around issues of human rights...

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La nostra istituzione ricorda Stefano Rodotà, il giurista e professore scomparso il 23 giugno all'età di 84 anni. Costituzione, democrazia, privacy e nuove tecnologie sono state da sempre al centro dei suoi lavori. Rodotà è stato docente ordinario di diritto civile, punto di riferimento nel dibattito accademico e culturale...

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Invitation to tender for expenditure verification report

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This invitation to tender is addressed to reputable audit firms or individuals, hereon referred to as the tenderers, to deliver the following services the external expenditure verification report of the annual Grant Contract, the role of auditor according to article 18 of EIUC Statute and relevant laws and regulations...

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Interview to Karen Oetling, a member of the Global Campus Visual Contest 2017

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"One of the main values while working in socially driven creative work is honesty and respect different cultures, people, ways of being. We don’t have the absolute truth and our way of doing things is based in our circumstances as well, so whenever we’re dealing with a project we need to do proper research in order to understand the topic...

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