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The third edition of the Global Campus Visual Contest has extended the deadline for submissions until 9 September 2017

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The theme of the Contest is “Memory and Reconciliation” and is open to photographers and video makers willing to explore how the process of reconciliation with the past, transitional justice and fight against impunity is key to build a long lasting peace after civil wars and conflicts. Photographers and videomakers, professional or amateurs, are encouraged to capture...

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Press Conference with Lamya Haji Bashar: "We will stay firm and even stronger"

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We need to collect all of our powers to defend HR together. Bring awareness to those suffering so that no more women will be victim of war. My life has a reason, to defend the women of my community, I would like my life to stay this way", Lamya...

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The inauguration of artist Koen Vanmechelen’s installation Collective Memory

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"The inauguration of Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen’s installation Collective Memory on June 9 in Venice is a symbol of hope in times when democracy is under stress and human rights under attack", says Manfred Nowak, Secretary General of...

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The new European Consensus on Development

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The European Union and its Member States signed today a strategic blueprint, outlining the future of European development policy. This "New European Consensus on Development" represents a new collective vision and plan of action to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development...

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Global Campus Exchange of Lecturers: Sarajevo and Pretoria

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In the framework of the Global Campus Exchange of Lecturers, the European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA) together with the  Master’s Programme in Human Rights & Democratisation in Africa (HRDA)...

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