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Utrecht Declaration on Academic Freedom

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Meeting at Utrecht University for our annual conference, we, the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), deplore the actions and threats of actions of an increasing number of States to restrain and even foreclose academic freedom, in the name of security, public order...

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Vacancy Announcement: Global Campus Administrative Director

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The Global Campus Administrative Director shall coordinate the action of the EIUC / Global Campus organisational staff based in Venice-Lido, comprising the following units/departments: Global Campus, Projects, Finances, Fundraising/Communication, General Services, Premises.

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Vacancy Announcement: Fundraising / Communication / PR Manager

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The EIUC Fundraising / Communication / PR Manager primary objective shall be to carry out and coordinate various fundraising and external communication and public relations activities of the organisation in order to ensure smooth functioning and increase funding for EIUC objectives.

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Vacancy Announcement: Personal Assistant to EIUC Secretary General

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The Personal Assistant to the EIUC Secretary General shall work as member of the EIUC staff, in direct contact of the EIUC Secretary General and in close cooperation with the Global Campus Administrative Director.

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First MOOC of the Global Campus of Human Rights: free enrolment

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The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) is proud to launch the first MOOC of the Global Campus Open Learning Series. With contributions by academic and experts from all the regions of the world, the Global Campus massive online courses provide open access to highly...

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