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The Summer School on "The European protection of fundamental rights"

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The Summer School on "The European protection of fundamental rights" - held upon initiative of EIUC and of the Unione Forense per la Tutela del Diritti Umani -UFtDU  is coming today to its concluding session.

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Une mer plus sûre. Les effets du renforcement des opérations de recherche et de sauvetage en Méditerranée centrale

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Les mesures introduites par l'UE en avril 2015 pour renforcer les opérations de recherche et de sauvetage en Méditerranée centrale[...] ont entraîné une baisse significative...

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Nuovo patrocinio per la Summer School su “La Tutela Europea dei Diritti Fondamentali”

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Patrocinio dell'Ordine degli Avvocati di Venezia, della Fondazione Benvenuti, e del Consiglio d’Europa-Ufficio di Venezia per la Summer School su “La Tutela Europea dei Diritti Fondamentali”

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European Yearbook on Human Rights 2015

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The Yearbook 2015 covers politicaland legal developments in the field of the three main organizations charged with securing human rights in Europe: EU, Council of Europe and OSCE

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