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Call for EIUC EU-UN Fellowship Programme 2015

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EIUC is offering to the E.MA graduates of the past 5 years, two positions as fellows in the framework of the EIUC Fellowship Programme

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Prof. Frans Viljoen visits the Latin American Programme for a series of lectures on the African System

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In June Prof. Frans Viljoen offered some lectures on the African System of Human Rights for the students of the Latin American Programme, in Buenos Aires.

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Global Classroom third edition on the impact of foreign debt and economic crisis on HR

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Global Classroom 3rd edition was marked by the presence of Prof. Cephas Lumina, Alexandra Ivankovic Tamankovic, Fanwell Bokosi, Gaby Ore Aguilar, professors and students from the six Regional Master’s programme

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Global Campus international conference in Bangkok

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In Search of Regional Perspectives on Democratisation: a Global Campus international conference hosted by the Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia Pacific)

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Vacancy announcement: Global Campus Alumni & E.MAlumni Association Secretary General

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The Global Campus Alumni & E.MAlumni Association is looking to appoint a qualified Secretary General

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