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GC Call for Paper to the E.MA Network

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We are looking for a qualified researcher from the E.MA network able to participate in a GC Research Programme on ...

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GC Exchange of Professors at Lat.Ma, University of San Martin in Buenos Aires

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A review of the lectures offered in Buenos Aires by Prof. Dr. Gerd Oberleitner from the University of Graz, Austria, as part of the Global Campus of Human Rights´ exchange of lecturers

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Field Trip to Kosovo

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As part of the first semester, from 13 till 20 January 2015, the E.MA students participate in a field trip in Kosovo aimed at raising awareness of practical challenges related to human rights...

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Interview to Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan Mendez

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Interview to Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan Mendez, made by UNSAM Regional Master.

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Prof. Horst Fischer, EIUC President, condemns the "barbaric act" in Paris and expresses solidarity with the visctims

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We are here to honour the victims of the terroristic act in Paris. Certainly our thoughts are with the victims of this horrendous act and we all feel with the families ...

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