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"Monastery Shot Photo Contest 2014"

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For the first year, the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation is organising the photo contest “Monastery Shot Photo Contest 2014".

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E.MA UN General Assembly Resolution simulation 2014: UN GA Simulation on Gaza

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On Friday, October 31st, 2014, E.MA students in Venice conducted a simulation of the UN General Assembly Resolution on the situation in Gaza Strip, supervised by...

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When the student becomes the teacher

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The last cluster class on “Human Rights Defenders” on 30 and 31 October will be taught by former E.MA students, Francesco Bruscoli and Ane Krestine Larsen, respectively.

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Former student now teacher for E.MA Human Rights Defenders Cluster

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EIUC is glad to welcome Dr. Ron Helmut Herrmann as a lecturer for E.MA Human Rights Defenders Cluster

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A new Master’s programme is born!

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EIUC is pleased to announce the launch of the Master’s Degree in Democratic Governance in the in the Middle East and North Africa Region.

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