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Accession of the University of Zagreb to EIUC and E.MA

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With this accession, EIUC strengthens long-term academic cooperation within its network.

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Launch of the MENA Master, plenary meeting

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EIUC is convening a meeting on 18th October with a view to starting out in January the Master on Democratic Governance in the MENA Region

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The GC Research Programme on the UPR

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A research on the implementation of Universal Periodic Review (UPR) has been recently completed by a team of GC researchers coordinated by Dr. Magnus Killander

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GC Council | 22-23 September 2014

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The third Global Campus Council meeting took place on  22-23 September 2014 in Venice. Read a report of the event

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GC Exchange of Professors at Eiuc premises

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A Regional Exchange of Professors experience for the E.MA students: Veronica Gomez and Frans Viljoen in Venice

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