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Call for Entries: Migrants and Community Action

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A Photography Competition open to all Global Campus students and Global Campus Alumni. Submit your photos, win a training on Human Rights!

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Call for Entries: Migrants and community action

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A Photography Competition open to all Global Campus students and Global Campus Alumni. Submit your photos, win a training on Human Rights!

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Human Rights and the EU: Five years after the Lisbon Treaty what next?

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EIUC organises an event in Brussels on 10 July 2014 on "Human Rights and the EU: Five Years after the Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty".

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EIUC Diplomatic Conference: The EU’s Role at the UN Human Rights Fora

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On 5 July 2014 EIUC will host the 2014 edition of the EIUC Diplomatic Conference: The EU’s Role at the UN Human Rights Fora.

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Panel Discussion at Nobel Institute in Oslo

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On June 11, 2014, Prof. Dr. Hans J. Giessmann participated in a panel discussion on the topic “Human Rights – Freedom – Security” at Alfred Nobel Institute in Oslo.

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