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E.MA 2014/2015 is calling for applications

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E.MA 2014/2015
Deadline for applications: 15 March 2014

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Venice Academy 2014 - Applications are open

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Dates: 7-16 July 2014
Apply by: 4 May 2014 with "early bird" discount until 15 March

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Judicial Legitimacy and the Rule of Law – Venice Academy 2014

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The Venice Academy of Human Rights will take place from 7-16 July 2014 and is now accepting applications.
Deadline: 4 May 2014 with an "early bird" discount until 15 March.

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24/01/2014 - 4th E.MA Career Day

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Another successful activity jointly organised by EIUC and the E.MAlumni Association: the 4th edition of the Career Day!

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