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Cooperation between EIUC, OHCHR and the Russian Consortium of Universities

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Ms Oxana Kharitonova visits Global Campus to establish cooperation between EIUC, OHCHR and the Russian Consortium of Universities

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Corso di formazione EIUC su La tutela dei Diritti Umani presso le Corti Europee

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Con il patrocinio del "Consiglio Nazionale Forense", dell' "Ordine degli Avvocati di Venezia" e del "Consiglio d'Europa".

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7-8 Dec 2013: Building Bridges Human Rights Film Festival

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dates: 7-8 December 2013
venue: SpazioPorto
            Venice (Italy)

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21-23/XI/2013: Training on Human Rights and the Environment

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With the collaboration and patronage of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

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