
Venice, images for human rights on show

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Source: Vita

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La gabbia dorata di Ai Weiwei

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Source: Corriere della Sera

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Media Partnership with ACT Responsible: public vote #YouCannesBeACTive

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ACT responsible organises an exhibition that gathers the best campaigns and initiatives around social and environmental issues showcasing the good work of agencies worldwide and celebrating the role and impact of the industry on crucial issues such as the fight against poverty and exclusion, prevention of diseases, fight against global warming, defence of human rights and protection of biodiversity… For this 17th edition, the exhibition will be held at the heart of the Cannes Festival in the Debussy Foyer, 18 - 22 June 2018, with the support of the Cannes Lions organising committee. The event will last all week long offering a space to discuss and raise awareness on the crucial role and responsibility of the industry.

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Lorenzo Natali Media Prize Ceremony at the #EDD18

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Launched in 1992, the Lorenzo Natali Media Prize has been established with the purpose to award journalists for their exceptional work covering development. This initiative illustrates the EU’s commitment to support  media freedom and pluralism as well as development cooperation...

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