
Sakharov Fellowship Programme 2019 kicks off

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Source: European Parliament

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Vacancy announcement: Finance Manager

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The Global Campus of Human Rights is looking for a qualified Finance Manager with experience in international cooperation, for its main headquarters in Venice, Italy.

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The deadline for application to EMA 2019/2020 has been extended until 15 April 2019

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Due to requests from prospective applicants in different parts of the world, the EMA governing bodies have agreed to continue to receive applications until 15 April 2019.

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Lorent Saleh alla Venice School of Human Rights

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La tavola rotonda si terrà il 6 aprile 2019 alle 17.15 presso la sede del Global Campus of Human Rights, il Monastero di San Nicolò - Riviera San Nicolò 26, Lido-Venezia e sarà anche trasmessa in una diretta video sul nostro canale Facebook.

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