
Venice Universities’ Model United Nations – VeUMUN

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On 10-11-12 November 2017, Venice International University will host a simulation of the United Nations for university students. This edition will focus on threatened heritage.

This is the second edition of the joint initiative of Venice International University, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Venice Diplomatic Society (VDS), and this year the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights – EIUC; In collaboration with Europe Direct Venezia, and...

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World Forum for Democracy 2017

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The World Forum for Democracy is a unique platform for political decision-makers and activists to debate solutions to key challenges for democracies worldwide. By identifying and analysing experimental initiatives and practices, the Forum highlights and encourages democracy innovations...

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EIUC EU-UN Fellowship Programme 2018

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EIUC is offering to the EMA graduates of the past 5 years, two positions as fellows in the framework of the EIUC Fellowship Programme. The Fellowship will start on Thursday, 1 February 2018 and will end on Tuesday, 31 July 2018...

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Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) 2017-2018

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The Italian Junior Professional Officer Programme (JPO) is a multilateral technical cooperation initiative sponsored by the Government of Italy and implemented by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA)...

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