
Presentation of the book “Droit International” by Dominique Carreau and Fabrizio Marrella

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Prof. Marrella and Prof. Carreau will present their last publication titled “Droit International” on 8 June 2012 at 3.30 p.m. in the Aula Baratto of Ca’ Foscari University Venice.

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Contract signed for the Global Campus, the new global human rights network supported by the EU

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Last 16 May 2012 Prof. Horst Fischer signed the contract for this new global human rights network supported by the EU.

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Appointment of Prof. Lemmens as Judge to the European Court of Human Rights

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Prof. Paul Lemmens, one of the national directors of the E.MA, has been elected as Judge to the European Court of Human Rights in respect of Belgium.

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EIUC at 33rd Meeting of the European Coordination Committee on Human Rights Documentation (ECCHRD)

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EIUC participated in the 33rd Annual Meeting of the ECCHRD that was hosted by the Deutsche Institut für Menschenrechte in Berlin.

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