
18 - 21 April 2012: Incroci di Civiltà in Venice - Around the World in 24 Writers and 17 Countries

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This 4-days famous literary festival gathered 24 writers from 17 countries who talked about their works, cultures and experiences with scholars, journalists and common readers.

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3-4/5/2012: Workshop on Litigating Transnational Human Rights Obligations

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Following the May 2011 GLOTHRO stock-taking conference, Mark Gibney and Wouter Vandenhole have initiated a book project, tentatively titled Litigating Transnational Human Rights Obligations.

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3-4/5/2012: EIUC hosts the Workshop on Litigating Transnational Human Rights Obligations

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Following the May 2011 GLOTHRO stock-taking conference, Mark Gibney and Wouter Vandenhole have initiated a book project, tentatively titled Litigating Transnational Human Rights Obligations.

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A successful presence of EIUC at the International Career Day organised in Milan on 27/3/2012

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The EIUC stand attracted a lot of visitors at the International Career Day organised by JobAdvisor in Milan on 27 March 2012.

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The Brussels-based Fondation Perelman met in EIUC premises

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The Fondation Perelman of the Université Libre de Bruxelles organised a seminar titled "La politique des identités et les droits de l'homme".

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