
Delegation of the Council of Europe visits EIUC

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Ms Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni (Director General of Programmes of the Council of Europe) and Mr. Alberto D’Alessandro (Head of the Council of Europe Office in Venice) at the monastery of San Nicolò.

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Meeting in Algiers to define the Programme on the Good Governance in the Maghreb Region 2012

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Meeting at the top in Algiers between the GIZ, the EIUC and their regional partners to define the Programme on the Good Governance in the Maghreb Region 2012.

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The signature of the MoU announces the start of the Global Campus

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EIUC is setting up the Global Campus of Master’s Programmes and Diplomas in Human Rights and Democratisation taking the management of six Regional Master’s Programmes.

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"Women’s rights in democratic transitions" at the core of the next EP Study conducted by the EIUC

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The study’s responsible and coordinator is Prof. Kalliope Agapiou-Josephides (EIUC Deputy-President and Professor at the University of Cyprus).

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Just published "Droit international" by D. Carreau & F. Marrella

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Prof. Fabrizio Marrella, Dean of the Human Rights Village, and Prof. Dominique Carreau have just published a reference textbook on International Law.

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