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EIUC is seeking a well-qualified individual for a 1-year assignment as EIUC Project Officer starting from mid September 2011 in Venice Lido, Italy.

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15/7/2011: Signature of the Memorandum of Understanding for the Human Rights Village

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Signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Venice and EIUC for the creation of the Human Rights Village.

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New E.MA Fellows for the ac. year 2011/2012

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In the academic year 2011/2012 the E.MA Programme Director, Dr. Angela Melchiorre, will be assisted by two E.MA Fellows Ms Monika Gabriela Dabrowska and Mr. Jacques Hartmann.

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Dr. Angela Melchiorre is the new E.MA Programme Director for the ac.year 2011/2012

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EIUC Governing Bodies are happy to announce the appointment of Dr. Angela Melchiorre as the new E.MA Programme Director for the academic year 2011/2012.

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