
E.MA Awarded Theses 2009/2010 by Marsilio Editori in Venice

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The volume of the E.MA Awarded Theses 2009/2010 published by Marsilio Editori S.P.A. in Venice in its series "Ricerche" was just released.

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Legal Theory and Human Rights (Workshop, 18 December 2010, Venice - Lido)

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On 18 December 2010, EIUC hosted the workshop entitled ‘Legal Theory and Human Rights’ at the Monastery of San Nicolò in Venice-Lido(Italy).

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Human Rights Weekend on the 4th and 5th December 2010 in Venice

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E.MA brings together students from the most varied backgrounds and countries around the world.

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ILO workshop on Labour Inspection Sanctions and Remedies

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In partnership with the University of Venice "Cà Foscari", the International Labour Organisation will hold a workshop on Labour Inspection Sanctions and Remedies (2-3 Dicember 2010.

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Prof. Benedek at the inauguration of the exhibition "Face Human Rights - Facing Nations"

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Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr. Ban Ki-moon and Austrian Federal Minister for EU and International Affairs, Mr. Spindelegger, inaugurated the exhibition FACE HUMAN RIGHTS.

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