
Launch of the Third Issue of the Seasonal Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine

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The Global Campus of Human Rights published the third edition of its seasonal Magazine (English and Italian versions) following the success of the third online Global Campus of Human Rights Conversation.

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The Global Campus of Human Rights enters into new partnership with Fondazione M9

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Fondazione M9, and the Global Campus of Human Rights are entering into a long-term cooperation of three years (2021-2024) to join efforts and co-develop activities in the City of Venice and the Veneto Region, focusing on Human Rights related issues of common interest. This was announced by the President of Fondazione M9 Michele Bugliesi and the Secretary General of the Global Campus of Human Rights Manfred Nowak in Venice today at the premises of the M9 - Museum of the 20th Century, with the presence of the Academic Director Luca Molinari.

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Biennale Architettura 2021: "How will we live together?"

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The 17th International Architecture Exhibition will open its doors on 22 May 2021 and will run until 21 November 2021 at the Giardini, Arsenale, and Forte Marghera of Venice, Italy. The Press Office of the Global Campus of Human Rights is participating on the preview days attending the press conference of the inauguration on 20 May 2021.

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Online Global Campus Classroom 2021: Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic and Social Rights

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The Global Classroom is one of the flagship annual activities of the Global Campus of Human Rights (GCHR) designed to bring together students, professors and experts from our seven regions. It is a research programme focussed on topic of current interest, different every year, whereby students and alumni from across the Global Campus network study, analyse and discuss their research topic through the lenses of regional perspectives. Global Classroom 2021, hosted by the Global Campus South East Europe / European Regional MA programme in Democracy and Human Rights in SEE, will take place online from 7-10 June 2021.

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