
Intervista ad Andrea Tomaello, Vicesindaco del Comune di Venezia

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L’Ufficio Stampa del Global Campus of Human Rights ha avuto l'opportunità di intervistare il Vicesindaco del Comune di Venezia Andrea Tomaello sul futuro della città. Un futuro che guarda al domani a partire dalla storia millenaria.


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Interview with Naomi Van Den Broeck and Charles Antoine Leboeuf, European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation, EMA 2020/2021 Student Representatives

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The Press Office for the Global Campus of Human Rights had the opportunity to ask Naomi Van den Broeck and Charles-Antoine Leboeuf, European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation, EMA 2020/2021 Student Representatives, about their views on possible sustainable futures for Venice.

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Climate Change and Children: Impact, Rights and Participation

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Dates: 10 — 12 May 2021

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