Interview with Laura De Dilectis, Association DonnexStrada

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The Press Office of the Global Campus of Human Rights asked one of the winners of Women of Europe Awards and founder of the civil society association DonnexStrada Laura De Dilectis about her work to help women victims of gender violence and for their safety in the streets.

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Interview with Mahsa Kayyal, Global Campus Visiting Researcher

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The Press Office of the Global Campus of Human Rights had the opportunity to ask the Global Campus of Human Rights visiting researcher Mahsa Kayyal about her experience in Venice and the situation of women in her country of origin Iran.

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Interview with Ermelinda Damiano, President of the Venice City Council

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The Press Office of the Global Campus of Human Rights interviewed the President of the Venice City Council Ermelinda Damiano about her role and specifically about the local policies and activities related to women’s rights.

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Interview with Domenica Bumma, European External Action Service

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The Press Office had the opportunity to interview Domenica Bumma about her work at European External Action Service (EEAS) and their next activities about Human Rights and Democracy. 

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Senior-level Full-stack Developer (consultant or firm)

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In order to ensure the functioning and stability of the above-mentioned platforms, the Global Campus is seeking a senior-level Full-stack Developer (consultant or firm), whose work will be performed under coordination of the Premises/IT department.

Deadline: as soon as possible

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