Global Campus Visual Contest 2021/2022: Business activity and impact on Human Rights: challenges and hopes for a better future

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The Global Campus of Human Rights and the Global Campus Alumni are glad to announce the launch of the sixth edition of the Global Campus Visual Contest, open to photographers, professionals and amateurs, from all over the world. Organised in collaboration with Right Livelihood, the Contest will be open from 8 November 2021 and will accept submissions through 8 January 2022.

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VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Administrative Officer for a Support Project for Afghan Scholars at Risk

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The Global Campus is seeking a qualified individual for the position of Administrative Officer; she/he will work as member of the staff of Global Campus of Human Rights based in Venice-Lido. As part of the Secretariat, she/he will be responsible for the administrative implementation of a new project supported by the European Union, which aims at placing Afghan scholars and students at risk at different universities which are members of the Global Campus of Human Rights network. The project is limited to the academic year 2021/22 (i.e. until end of July 2022).

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VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Children’s Rights Project Manager

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The Global Campus is looking for a qualified full-time Project Manager to coordinate its activities related to the human rights of children. The manager will be based at the Global Campus’ main headquarters in Venice-Lido, Italy.

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Global Campus of Human Rights: EMA awarded theses 2019/2020

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Each year the EMA Council of Directors selects five theses, which stand out not only for their formal academic qualities but also for the originality of topic, innovative character of methodology and approach, potential usefulness in raising awareness about neglected issues, and capacity for contributing to the promotion of the values underlying human rights and democracy.

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Digital Teaching Toolkit for Human Rights Education in Timor-Leste

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In the framework of the capacity-building project for the creation of the UNTL Human Rights Centre, together with the National University of Timor-Lorosa’e and the EU Delegation in Dili, are proud to announce the Digital Learning Initiative (DLI) “An Introduction to Human Rights in Southeast Asia”, to support the development of human rights education, especially in times of distance learning.

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