Online Global Campus Classroom 2021: Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic and Social Rights

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The Global Classroom is one of the flagship annual activities of the Global Campus of Human Rights (GCHR) designed to bring together students, professors and experts from our seven regions. It is a research programme focussed on topic of current interest, different every year, whereby students and alumni from across the Global Campus network study, analyse and discuss their research topic through the lenses of regional perspectives. Global Classroom 2021, hosted by the Global Campus South East Europe / European Regional MA programme in Democracy and Human Rights in SEE, will take place online from 7-10 June 2021.

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Intervista ad Andrea Tomaello, Vicesindaco del Comune di Venezia

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L’Ufficio Stampa del Global Campus of Human Rights ha avuto l'opportunità di intervistare il Vicesindaco del Comune di Venezia Andrea Tomaello sul futuro della città. Un futuro che guarda al domani a partire dalla storia millenaria.


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Interview with Naomi Van Den Broeck and Charles Antoine Leboeuf, European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation, EMA 2020/2021 Student Representatives

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The Press Office for the Global Campus of Human Rights had the opportunity to ask Naomi Van den Broeck and Charles-Antoine Leboeuf, European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation, EMA 2020/2021 Student Representatives, about their views on possible sustainable futures for Venice.

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Interview with the President of the Venice International University (VIU) Ambassador Umberto Vattani

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The Press Office for the Global Campus of Human Rights had the opportunity to ask the President of the Venice International University (VIU) Ambassador Umberto Vattani to share his impressions on the current relations between our institutions and how to extend our cooperation with all the academic networks of the territory.

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Press Release of GC Caucasus (CES - Yerevan State University) on the Opening of the Hybrid International Conference 2021

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On 10 May 2021, the opening of the Hybrid Global Campus International Conference on “Climate change and Children: Impact, Rights and participation” will take place at 14:00 at the Centre for European Studies of the Yerevan State University. The event is organised within the frames of the Regional Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in the Caucasus” programme GC Caucasus.

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