Interview with Marco Mascia, UNESCO Chair on Human Rights, Democracy and Peace, Antonio Papisca Human Rights Center - University of Padua

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The Press Office for the Global Campus of Human Rights had the opportunity to ask Professor Marco Mascia – UNESCO Chair on Human Rights, Democracy and Peace and member of the Antonio Papisca Human Rights Center at our partner the University of Padua – to share his impressions on the current challenges facing human rights education at the institution he represents.

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Intervista all'Assessore della Regione Veneto con delega alla cultura, diritti umani e territorio Cristiano Corazzari

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L'Ufficio Stampa del Global Campus of Human Rights ha avuto l'opportunità di chiedere all’Assessore della Regione Veneto con delega alla Cultura, Diritti Umani e Territorio Cristiano Corazzari sulle attuali sfide in materia di educazione e dei diritti umani.

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The Vienna Forum for Democracy and Human Rights begins its work

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As of 19 February 2021, a new institution in the field of human rights starts its work. An interdisciplinary team composed by leading Austrian human rights experts safeguards the development of praxis-oriented human rights research.

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Vacancy announcement: EMA Programme Director

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The GCHR is seeking a qualified individual for its European Master’s Programme on Human Rights and DemocratisationEMA, and more specifically for the position of EMA Programme Director.

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Second Online Global Campus of Human Rights Conversation

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La formazione universitaria come chiave per guardare allo sviluppo futuro della città di Venezia (che ora sta inaugurando la celebrazione per i 1600 anni dalla sua fondazione) e una delle linee guida sia per la comunità locale che per quella internazionale per guardare positivamente al domani.

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