In memory of Josip Kregar

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It is with immense sadness that we learned of the sudden death of our dear friend Josip Kregar on 15 August. For many years, Josip, a highly respected professor of sociology of law and former Dean (2005 – 2009) at the Zagreb Law Faculty, represented the University of Zagreb in the European Master Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA)...

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Online Global Classroom: “The United Nations Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty”

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The Global Classroom is one of the flagship activities of the Global Campus designed to bring together students, professors and experts from the regions of the university programmes involved for a week-long conference, where a topic of current interest for all the regions involved is studied, analysed and discussed through the lenses of different regional perspectives. The uniqueness of this annual event lies in the possibility to deepen the understanding of global human rights challenges and foster inter-regional academic exchange and collaboration.

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Global Campus Human Rights Journal with special focus on children’s rights issues published

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The most recent volume of the Global Campus Human Rights Journal is published on 31 July 2020. It comprises a special focus feature, foregrounding selected developments in the area of children’s rights’. The special focus results from a cooperation agreement between the Global Campus of Human Rights and the Right Livelihood Foundation.

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NOT IN MY FACE! Facial Recognition and Implication for Human Rights

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With the rise of new technologies and artificial intelligence applications the society is undergoing significant changes that have multiple impacts on daily lives, professional environment and social and political systems.

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Human Rights Adopted as Compulsory Subject at the UNTL

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On 15 July 15 2020, the Council of Management of the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL) unanimously approved the syllabus of the new “Human Rights and Democratization” course, which will be introduced as a new transversal discipline mandatory in all undergraduate programs of the National University’s nine Faculties, from the academic year 2021/22. 


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